The Reaping

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Shine Midas stared up at the ceiling, wondering what time it was. Today was the reaping. It wasn't like it mattered whether she was picked or not today. She was going to volunteer anyway. Finally. She wanted to volunteer when she was sixteen, but apparently she was too young. But now that she was eighteen, she was able to volunteer, at last. Her brother, Marble would have to wait until he was eighteen to volunteer, same as her. He only had a year of waiting left, anyway. She smirked to herself. District One will have won two years in a row. The Capitol will like that.

She got up, and went to her brothers bed across the room.

'Marble,' she said shaking his shoulder. 'Wake up. Today's the Reaping. Come on. I need to say goodbye.' He groaned and got up. 'So you're really going then? You don't have to you know. You can stay here. With me, with your family. Not go off to the arena to die.' He looked at her with those huge brown eyes. They were filled with sadness.

'I'll come home.' Shine told him. 'I promise.'


Shine and Marble made their way to the Reaping in silence. They had said their goodbyes in the house. Before they entered their different sections, Marble stopped.

'Shine? Shine, I, um, want you to give you something. A token. For the games.' He held out his hand. In it he held a simple chain, with a small glittering stone on its' end.

'Marble! How the hell did you-'

'I took it. From the mines. They didn't even notice. Take it.' He smiled at her

'Thank you.' She said.

With that they parted.

'Welcome District One, to this years 28th Annual Hunger Games!' Pan Mariott announced, this year sporting all an red and leopard print suit. 'We have a special video from the Captiol. Let's watch.' The usual video came on, showing the beginning of Panem and the districts. 'Glorious! Now time to pick our tributes, who wil fight to the death in this years Hunger Games! Now, with no further ado, the girls.' He walked over to the huge bowl, where thousands of slips of paper held girls names. 'Emerl Mace!' A young girl, no more than fourteen began to move towards the stage. Shine's heart was pounding, adreline pulsing through her veins. The girl finally got to Pans side. 'Now, do we have any volunteers?' He said. Here it was. Here was her moment.

'I volunteer as tribute.' She shouted, stepping forward. 'Well! Come up here then!' Shine walked up quickly, passing the

girl. She looked relieved. Shine made it to the stage and shaked Pans hand. 'What's you name, dear?' He asked. 'Shine Midas.' I said smiling. 'Now time for the boys!' He walked over to the huge bowl and picked out a small piece of paper. 'Well, well, well. Looks like we're going to have a very intresting games this year. The boy tribute for this years 28th Annual Hunger Games, Marble Midas.'


Ares Lewis had woken earlier that day to go to the training center, just like every other day. Today was no different really. Just the Reaping. He wouldn't volunteer today. 'He had to wait until he was eighteen' they said. He was 'too young' they said. He sighed to himself. H may only be fifteen, but he was old enough. His trainer said he was the best he had ever seen with axes. And Maxus was in the 5th Hunger Games. A legend. No. He wouldn't volunteer today. But just wait for next year.


Terra Styx lay awake. She hadn't slept all night, worrying about the Reaping. It wasn't like she couldn't fight. She was an amazing swordsman, she could throw knives well enough, could make fires, climb trees, along with lots of other things, and even if she couldn't, she'd be a career. But that wasn't what she was worried about. She just didn't want to have to kill people. She watched the games every year, disgusted by people killing one another. It was horrible. Disgusting. She got up and made breakfast of herself and her father. He'd be up soon, and off to work. He was a peacekeeper, luckily in District Two. That means he would work at the Reaping. She ate slowly, waiting for him.

'Morning, princess.' He had finally for out of bed. 'Morning Dad,' she answered smiling. 'So you're working today?'

'Have to, princess. You know that.'

'Okay..' She mumbled, can't waiting for the day to be over.

Terra made her way to the seventeen year old section, willing her feet to move. She didn't have a good feeling about today. Calm down, she told herself, It's not like you're going to be picked. Your name's only in there once, and even if you were picked, someone will almost definitely volunteer for you. You're in a career district, for Christ's sake. She got to her spot and chewed on her lip. Marigold Montague entered the stage, and did the usual annoucements. She did the boys first, which was strange. They always did the girls first. It was probably a 'statement' or something. People from the Capitol are always making ridiculous 'statements.'

Terra barely heard the name that was called out, she was too nervous. It felt like she was underwater, all of the sounds muffled.

'Ares Lewis!' The Capitol woman shouted, clutching a small piece of paper. A young boy, who looked about fourteen, made his way to the stage. He was short, but thick, with black hair.

'Now the girlies!' She waddled over to the girls' bowl, and put a claw like hand into it and snatched out a piece of paper.

'The girl tribute is.... Terra Styx!'


Perri Salton scowled at her father.

'How can you even do that?' she asked, eyeing him closely as he speared into the water. He brought his spear back up, and, of course, there were several fish thrashing about on the end of it. 'I can't even catch fish with a proper fishing rod.'

'Takes practice, love.' he grinned. The were both alike, tanned with sandy blonde hair and multi-coloured eyes. He leaned on his spear and searched her face. 'You're not worried, are you? About the Reaping, I mean. She shook her head. 'No, of course not. I mean, I'm not great with weapons or whatever, but I'm strong, and anyone can kill someone as long as they've got a knife. And even if that doesn't work out, I'm a career, aren't I?'

He grinned again, his eyes crinkling. 'Good. Now we should go home and get cleaned up. Can't go to the Reaping smelling like fish.'


Ermin Zale tied up his sailboat. He was well used to this, he had been doing it his whole life. He was lucky really, his family was really wealthy.

Well, of course they were.

Both his mother and father had won consecutive Hunger Games.

And, that means that he, almost definately, would be going in too. And it was his last year. He had already said his goodbyes, his mother and father just gave him pitying looks. And when his father gave him a hug, all he could manage to say was;

'Son, I hope you die in there. I really do. Better to die than to live a life like we have.

He gave the shore one last look, and made his way to the Town Hall.

A fair crowd had already gathered as he made his way to his designated section.

Maxus Idum came running on to the stage, dressed as stupidly as ever. He made the usual introductions, and called out the girls name.

'Perri Salton!' oh god, he knew her. They went to school together. Had even dated, for a little while. But he supposed that wouldn't matter now. They'd be allies, after all. And chances were she'd die before he'd have to kill her. Or the other way around.

He readied himself to mount the stage, and sure enough, his name was called.

'Oh my! We shall have a simply amazing games this year! Ermin Zale!'

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