Chapter 4: Dark hour

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Still Y/N POV

"I will never bow down to anyone again, and if I did it would NEVER be you!" I yell.

"Lets test that!" He calmly utters while putting a barrier around me, shrinking up in hopes to crush me. 

Using lightning from the skies I strike him outside of the barrier but it keeps shrinking. I punch the barrier and it cracks once. He's taking reflective damage. I charge my leg with lightning and kick through his barrier shattering it. Then I run and lift him up and slam him against a locker, hit him in the gut and threw him about ten meters away. 

"Dammit." I mutter as I see a small crowd had gathered around to see the fight. 

I walked through the crowd bumping into the minority with my head down. What did I just do? Was I king now?

"Hey! He's king now!" A kid from the crowd exclaims. 

"No I'm not." I say while walking to my next class. 

I walk in and take my seat. John walked in and sat next to me. "Hey, What was that?" He asks but I don't reply. 

"I-I didn't want this to happen. I don't want to be some king of a school. I just wanted to keep my powers a secret." I say.

"You know, I dethroned Arlo a while back." John said.

"Huh? So are you really king?" I ask.

"I wasn't the king but he Arlo carried out a few tasks for me." He says.

"Do you think this means that I don't have to be king?" I ask.

"You dethroned him in public unlike me, so that means you have to be king for a month before handing the throne down." John says. 

"Alright class." The teacher yells. "Settle do-" "Y/N IS KING NOW! HE DE5HRONED ARLO!" Some kid yells. "Oh fucking christ, who could believe that? He's a cripple." The teacher says. 

Oh damn. The teacher just insulted me. "To be honest I'm not a cripple. You pricks just fucking assumed that siente I didn't tell you that I was a cripple." I stand up.

"Oh really, prove it!" Another kid says. 

"See that sunny sky out there? Since you asked," I say as I make it a lightning storm. "There."

Everyone looked astonished. "And I don't have an ability. It's a power."

"Y/N go to the hall I need to talk to you." The teacher says.

"Well shit." I mutter as I get up and walk out to the hall. 

Four minutes later the teacher comes out and asks me "Did you dethrone Arlo?" 

"Please sir I was-"

"Did you dethrone him!?" He asks again.

"Y-yes." I say defeated.

"Go to the headmaster's office. He'll be giving you the king lecture." He says.

I walk off to the front office wondering what I got into. When I get there the secretary asks. "Ah. Y/N. What are you doing here?"

"I dethroned Arlo." I say casually as she drops her coffee.

I walk into the headmaster's office shaking. "Y/N! Have a seat. I'm sure that you know why you're here."

"Yeah I do." I say grimly.

"You're in no trouble. I want to congratulate you." the headmaster says almost like he's proud.

"Sir, with all due respect I really can't take this position. I don't have an ability. It's a power." I plead.

"Y/N you have to be king for a month since you challenged him." The headmaster informs. 

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