Chapter 4

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Well, for a first day of school, it wasn't that bad

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Well, for a first day of school, it wasn't that bad. Peter, Internship kid, was in a lot of our classes in the afternoon. He's nice but I get this weird vibe from him. It just seems like he's hiding something. He just seems so paranoid. Anyways, Carter and Ned act like they've known each other for years and it's so weird to be around. Currently I'm sitting in a library, trying to do my homework, while Carter and Ned talk. "Hey, Carter?" She turned towards me. "Do you think you can get home on your own? Because I want to go home." She looked at the clock and her eyes went wide. "Oh my god, it's really late. I'm really sorry Ned, but I gotta get home." Thankfully Ned understood and realized he had to get to Peter's. The three of us walked out of the library and went our separate ways. Carter and I got a little lost trying to get home but eventually got a street that looked familiar. I heard Carter's stomach growl and she sighed. "Parker, can we find somewhere to eat?" I nodded and we started to look around. "Well, we could go to Delmar's?"

I nodded and we went in. We ordered two sandwiches and sat down to eat them. "Wow, these are super good. We need to come here more." Mr. Delmar laughed and gave us some napkins. "You two sound like one of my regulars when he first came here." He started to walk away but turned back around. "Are you two new here? I don't remember seeing you guys around." I nodded. "Yeah, we just transferred to Midtown." He nodded and went back to the counter. While eating, Carter and I did our homework. Which, let me tell you, is easier when you're in the same classes. But it was super peaceful in that place. Besides the sound of us talking, the only things that could be heard was Mr. Delmar stocking the shelves, the cooler turning on, and Mr. Delmar's cat purring. That was until the alarm at the atm across the street went off. "Um yes, uh, Spiderman is fighting the Avengers across the street." Then everything went black.

When I finally came to, I found myself in what looked like a futuristic hospital room. I was hooked up to all of these weird machines and it was super weird. I sat up slowly and groaned. "Where am I?" The door opened and in came the man that's supposed to be making sure my cousin and I are safe, Happy Hogan. "You're in the hospital wing at Avengers tower." I nodded and everything that had happened came back.

"Parker, look." Carter pointed towards the atm and there it was, Spiderman fighting the Avengers. "The one day I don't wear my suit to school." Carter turned to look at me with wide eyes. Before she could say anything, a blast hit the building. We fell to the ground and the ceiling started to fall. I rolled out of the way and barely missed getting hit by it. I heard a scream and immediately realized it was Carter. "Carter! Where are you?" I sat up and waited for a response. "I'm- I'm over here!" I scrambled up and ran towards her. When I got there, I noticed a piece of the ceiling was on her. "Hold on, Carter." I placed my hands on the piece and burned it. She gasped and got up. The place caught on fire and it was spreading quickly. "Carter, we need to get out of here!" She nodded and started to run out of the place with me following behind.

I saw some fire coming towards Carter and I pushed her forward. "Run Carter, run!" She sped up and the fire hit me instead of her. I got thrown against the wall and hit my head on the ground when I fell. I was only able to stay conscious long enough to see Carter, Mr. Delmar and his cat get out of the building safely before I passed out.

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