Chapter 13. The fight

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Angela's pov .

I was still really angry an when I tried to get rid of the anger it came back , they told me jasmine and Marcus that Paige was coming out cause it had been a full 4 months. anyways I was kinda glad she was coming out but at the same time ready to whoop her ass . I went to my class and when I went in I found her just sitting there in silence by her self, waiting for the professor. Paige looked over at me but I didn't look back , I felt her eyes stare into my soul it was weird. then she said something

Paige : so I see you found out who the person was.

Angela : yeah I did and I wasn't and is still not pleased

Paige : well , you deserved it I mean Marcus doesn't love you anyway

Angela : you wouldn't know love if it hit u in the face (started looking at her ) he doesn't love or like you so why don't u just shut to crazy ass up and leave me alone.

Paige : umm, well he 1 he does like me he's my best friend 2 I don't got to shut shit up 3 I'm not crazy I'm just intelligent 4 he told me he didn't want to be with you cause your pushy

Angela : huh your a lie and your going to hell for the lies you tell

Paige : mmmmhmm yeah say what you want but at least I don't have a rumor going around about me being a slut.

Angela : okay now I'm not a slut and there is no rumor so why don't u stop lying ( there inches apart)

Paige : naw I don't want to I like messing with you it's fun and since I'm single there won't be a problem taking him away from you cause I have him rapped around my finger.

Angela: ugh this bitch think my man want her GIRL HE DON'T WANT YOU.

Paige : yeah keep saying that to your self at least I wasn't the one crying to the Dean about someone harassing me

Angela : you know what I'm sick and tired of your mess just shut the fuck up and sit there.

Paige : no bitch your not my mother

Angela : I Don't wanna be either , I never like you since day one.

The girls were faces to face saying words an there were people surrounding them. people took out there phones and started taking videos. All of a sudden Paige threw a punch and Angela went backward into someone, she told her self that she wasn't gonna fight so she turned around and tired to leave but, Paige pulled her back in and slapped her. that's when Angela got really angry and she punched Paige and she went flying and fell on the floor that's when Angela walked over got on top of her and started beating the girls face in the ground. soon later Jeff can in and noticed what was going on he went over and picked her up. he then took her out of the room and back to his room. Angela tired to leave but he wouldn't let her , and hour later Marcus walked in.

Marcus : why are you here ? and what happens to you ?

Angela : I-I was fighting

Marcus : who ???

Angela : Paige

Marcus : o. m . g .s. w-w-why ??

Angela : it was self defense she starred it by punching me in my face and slapping me I tried to leave but she wouldn't let me . so I whooped her ass and knocked her out and then that's when Jeff brought me back here.

Jeff : your here !

Marcus : yeah just got in

Jeff : she was fighting

Marcus : yeah i know she told me

Angela : I know I'm in trouble , I just know it.

Marcus : you might be but I'm behind you 100 percent ,we ride or die

Angela : thanks love .

Hey ik ik long time no read ( saw what I did there lol )anyways I've just been lazy ik and school started so I'm busy but ill try to update love u

Bye 🙆🙅💁

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