Chapter Nine

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Heya guys here's the next chapter of the story, It's kind of boring and not much is happening in this chapter but really hope you like it, Leave me your feedback. 

Zayn's Pov:

I can't remember the last time I woke up in an amazing mood. Not this early anyway. I rolled over in bed looking up at the ceiling with a massive smile on my face. I'd never admit to this but I'm actually smitten with Niall, He's the best thing that's come into my life and I haven't even known him that long. I suppose you just know when that persons special enough you get this gut instinct that tells you there worth everything, I smiled to myself before picking up my phone and sending a quick text to Niall before jumping out of bed, I then made my way downstairs.

"Zayn!" My little sister shouted running up to me, I smiled before crouching down to take her in my arms, I then lifted her up and placed a kiss to her cheek.

"Morning you" I said smiling, I then carried her into the kitchen where my mum was busy making breakfast. "Morning mum" I said before placing my sister in a chair. 

"Morning sweetheart, What do you fancy for breakfast?" She asked turning her attention away from the stove. 

"Nothing for me, I'm meeting Niall" I said happily, My mum smiled before replying. 

"When do I get to meet this Niall?"

"Soon" I replied grinning. 

"I've never seen you this happy before" She said while walking over to me, I smiled bowing my head. My mum then lifted my head up before gently kissing my forehead. "You really care for him don't you?" She asked. 

"So much" I replied biting my lip. 

"Well as long as he makes you happy then I'm happy for you both" I smiled at my mum before pulling her into a tight hug. 

"I'm going to get ready" I said before quickly running back up the stairs, I walked back into my room and checked my phone Niall had replied, I grinned happily before opening the message. 

Morning Zayney, Listen when you pick me up my mum wants to talk to you... You don't have to if you don't want to!! -Ni x

Of course I want to! I just have to shower then I will be round See you soon Nialler -Zi xx

I replied to Niall's text before making my way to the bathroom for a quick shower. Once I was done I quickly got changed and styled my hair before running down the stairs. 

"Mum I'm leaving, I won't be late, Love you!" I yelled before heading out the door. 

I arrived at Niall's half hour later, Niall answered the door and I smiled lovingly at him. I then gave him a quick kiss before stepping inside the house. 

"Are you sure about this Zayn? I mean my mum she's really, well overprotective" Niall mumbled. 

"Niall by the end of the afternoon your mum will love me" I replied smirking, Niall raised his eyebrow at me. 

"Cocky cunt" He joked. 

"That's why you love me" I said before heading into the kitchen, Niall chuckled before following behind me. 

"Mum this is Zayn" Niall stated once we entered the kitchen.

"Hello Miss Horan" I said politely. 

"Call me Maura" She replied smiling, I smiled before nodding my head at her. 

"Well erm I'm going to finish getting ready. Zayn I won't be long, Mum be gentle with him please" Niall pleaded giving his mum a look. I smiled at him before placing a kiss to his cheek, Niall smiled at me before leaving the room. I inhaled a deep breath before looking at Niall's mum. 

"So Zayn, I'm not going to intimidate you or threaten you, Niall he really likes you and it's not hard to see, But he has been through alot, And he has been hurt in the past, I don't want him going through that again, So all I'm asking of you is please look after him. He's my special boy and I'm trusting you with his heart" She said, I nodded my head before replying. 

"I know what Niall went through, And I'd never want to cause him that kind of pain again. He's a good person, He's one of the only people who saw good in me, Niall's taking a massive risk with me and I know that, But I'm not going to let him down, And I'm not going to hurt him the way his ex did, I care for him in a way I've never cared for anyone before, These feelings they scare me, But one thing I know for sure is I never want to hurt Niall not ever, You can trust me" I assured her. 

"The respect you have for him you keep it, And you make him feel special everyday" She said. 

"I'm falling  inlove your son Miss Horan, I'm falling for him fast" I replied, She nodded her head. 

"Does he know this?" She asked, I shook my head. 

"He doesn't know how much I love him. We haven't said it yet. I'm waiting for the right time to tell him" I replied, She smiled at me just as Niall walked into the kitchen. 

"I'm ready" He said, I looked up at him before smiling, I then nodded my head before standing up. "I won't be out late mum, Promise, I love you" He said before kissing his mums cheek, I then placed my arm around his shoulder before we left the house. 

"You survived then?" Niall asked chuckling, I laughed.

"Looks like it, I told you she would love me" I teased before winking at him. 

"Cocky" Niall said smiling, I then grabbed him by the waist and pulled his body against mine. 

"You can't say you don't love it" I stated while smirking, Niall smirked back before he leaned in and kissed me, I kissed him back straight away. 

"So what times the party?" Niall whispered. 

"Seven, How about we go back to mine until then?" I replied smiling, Niall nodded his head smiling. I took him to mine and dragged him out into the garden, We laid back on the grass together gazing up at the sky above. 

"Can you think of anything that's more beautiful then the sky above?" Niall whispered. 

"Yeah, I can think of one thing" I replied, Niall looked up at me and I smiled down at him before leaning down and kissing him.

"Nialler?" I said. 

"Yeah?" Niall replied looking at me. 

"Do you really want to go to this party? Be honest" I asked. 

"Honestly? No, I want to stay here, Watch films, Cuddle and pig out on junk food" Niall replied, I laughed before speaking.

"Well then that's what we'll do" I stated, Niall smiled at me before standing up. 

Watching movies and pigging out has kind of become mine and Niall's thing, It doesn't matter if to some people it seems boring, To us it's our way of being with eachother. I love how things are different with Niall, We can sit and cuddle not caring about anything else, I loved it and I loved him. Deep inside the bet was always on my mind, What if he found out? Would he forgive me? Would he ever look at me the same? I want to tell him I really do, But how can I? He's going to think I'm like the rest. The thought of him finding out is always in the back of my mind eating away at me. 

I was snapped from my thoughts when I felt Niall's head fall against my chest, I smiled down at him before pulling out my phone and taking a sneaky picture, I then set it as my screen saver before grabbing the blanket at the end of the couch, And pulling it up to cover the both of us. I never wanted this to end but that stubborn bet is always lingering in the back of my mind it won't go away and the fact it won't makes me realize there's no running away or forgetting it .

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