Chapter Fourteen

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Heya guys so this chapters pretty boring I think but I had to put it in, Leave me your feedback.

Zayn's Pov:

I couldn't believe how lucky I was. I couldn't believe that Niall forgave me and we were finally getting things back on track. All I can say is thank God for second chances. Things with Niall there amazing, Nobody is giving him trouble anymore. He's so much more happier, And I'm happier knowing he's all mine. Of course there's still a small trust issue but I expected that, I can't expect him to just forgive and forget straight away. As I told him he can take as long as he likes. I've been spending alot of time at his house since we officially became a couple, Niall hasn't met my family yet and if I'm being honest I don't want him to, It's nothing bad I just don't want them embarrassing me, However the thing with Niall is he can wrap you around his little finger just by smiling at you, That's the only bad thing about him, That's how I ended up caving and that's why he's coming over mine for dinner tonight to meet the family.

"Mum just promise me you won't embarrass me tonight ok?" I made my mum promise, She chuckled as she prepared dinner.

"Zayn I'd be more worried about your sisters doing that" She said. 

"Well I can't warn them when they ain't here" I reminded her. 

"Things will be fine Zayn" She replied before placing her hand on my cheek. 

"I just don't want nothing going wrong" I stated. 

"And nothing will so relax" She said before heading out the room to get changed, I sighed before collapsing down on the chair, I pulled out my phone to text Niall.

You still up for dinner tonight? -Zi xx

Of course I am, I will be there at seven :)- Ni xx

See you then I love you- Zi xx I sighed before slumping down further into the couch, I don't fully know why I'm nervous I suppose meeting the family is a major thing. 

"Zayn can you pick Saffa up for me?" My mum yelled from upstairs, I looked at my watch to see she finishes in half an hour.

"Course mum won't be long" I said before grabbing my keys, Phone and then walking out the door. 

I waited outside the school gate for Saffa to come out. She always loves it when I pick her up she tells all her friends that I'm her big brother, It's adorable. As I was standing there I was thinking about how much Niall will love her, He loves kids so he would be amazing with Saffa. 

"Zayn" She shouted snapping me from my thoughts, I smiled before kneeling down as she ran towards me, Once she was in my arms I lifted her off the ground before giving her a big kiss. 

"How was school babygirl?" I asked as she cuddled me. 

"Great, I drew you and Niall" She said before grinning proudly.

"That's amazing you can show it to us both later ok?" I said, She nodded her head before leaning her head into my neck, I chuckled. "I'm carrying you home then?" I stated, She looked up at me and gave me her puppydog eyes, I groaned before holding onto her tighter, This girl is worse then Niall I swear! We walked back home as Saffa told me all about her day, Once we reached the front door I placed her on the floor before speaking to her. 

"Saff tonight Niall's coming over, And I really don't want anything to wrong. So no embarrassing stories ok babygirl?" I said, She nodded her head before kissing my cheek and walking in the door, I smiled to myself before walking in after her, I then rushed up the stairs to shower and get changed. 

A few hours later I was sitting waiting for Niall to arrive. Dinner would be done soon and I was getting more and more nervous. When the doorbell finally rang I jumped to my feet and quickly ran to the door, I opened it and there stood Niall, I smiled at him. 

"Hi" He whispered. 

"You look amazing" I said before opening my arms, Niall smiled before walking into my embrace, I gave him a quick kiss. "If they say anything embarrassing about me I'm sorry ok?" I said, Niall chuckled before nodding his head, I closed the door as Niall walked inside. I then took off his jacket before hanging it up. We laced our fingers together before walking into the kitchen. 

"Erm everyone I want you to meet my boyfriend Niall" I stated as everyone turned around to look at us. 

"Hi Niall it's a pleasure to meet you I'm Zayn's mum but you can call me Trisha" She said as she walked forward to embrace Niall in a hug, He hugged her back happily.

"Nice to meet you Trisha" He replied, She smiled before gently kissing his cheek, Once they pulled apart my eldest sister stood up. 

"I'm Doniya Zayn's elder sister, It's amazing to finally meet you Niall" She stated before hugging him, Niall hugged her back before they pulled away. 

"Amazing to meet you too" He said before giving her a quick kiss on the cheek, She smiled before going to help mum in the kitchen. 

"Hi, I'm Waliyha, Handsome, gorgeous, chaming, Zayn's lucky" She said before smiling, Niall returned the smile before hugging her. 

"Thank you beautiful" He replied as they pulled away, She blushed before sitting back down. Saffa was grinning at Niall and he gave me a weird look. 

"I'm Saffa!" She exclaimed happily, Niall grinned at her before speaking. 

"I'm Niall and it's so nice to meet you Safaa" He said, Saffa grinned before holding out her arms signaling for Niall to lift her up so she could hug him, He did just that and gave her a big hug. 

"Thank you for making my brother happy again" She whispered before cuddling Niall, Niall smiled before kissing her head.

"No problem princess" He said before placing her back on the floor. My heart warmed at how well Niall got on with my family, Especially Saffa she means the world to me and to see Niall get on so well with her it honestly melts my insides. 

"Shes adorable" Niall commented, I smiled at him. 

"Shes my whole world" I replied, Niall smiled lovingly before wrapping his arms around me, I kissed him softly before pulling him into the dinning area to eat dinner. 

A few hours later myself and Niall were cuddled on the couch watching some random crap on telly. I smiled to myself realizing just how lucky I was. 

"Today's been fantastic. I love your family Zi" Niall said. 

"I was actually nervous about the whole thing, But I'm glad we done this" I replied, Niall smiled and we was just about to kiss before Saffa walked in. "You are meant to be in bed babygirl" I said before standing up. 

"I had a bad dream" She whispered while pouting, I rolled my eyes before picking her up. 

"Come on back to bed" I stated. 

"Can you chase the monsters away? Niall you help to" She said, Niall chuckled before standing up. 

"Let's go then" He stated, Saffa smiled as I carried her up the stairs, I couldn't help but smile myself, Life was amazing right now, I didn't think it could get much better. 

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