chapter 4 Workshop

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Harley and Sally got to the workshop well they gone in a voice greets them saying hey guys it's Sally and she brought someone with her then a big rottweiler and says hey it is Sally what you doing girl then Sally said hi bullet hi Brutus Hey where's the other Brutus then Brutus replied he's sleep due to the last time the cops picked him up and sit in them here then Sally said oh yeah I forgot I forgot to introduce you to Harley then Harley said hi then Brutus and bullets say nice to meet you then they shake hands then Brutus said well selling nice to you drop by with your friend and we have to get to work got this truck dad fell off the Kenyan how in the world that truck got there no one asked me and Harley and Sally side to leave after they left the building Harley said wow that Brutus is little bit scary not that scary but little bit I'll see in a mob boss thing is he in a mob boss Sally laughed inside no silly he is not in a mob boss but he is pretty strong and scary then few minutes later Harley screamed Sally turned around and she nowhere to be found Sally healed Harley where are you! Ono not the tunnel well I better hope she's not in the spider catacombs

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