A memish update

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Rk900: Are you okay?

Connor: .......*smirks*

Seth: oh crap. Connor. You....you good?

Connor: .......*giggles*

Rk900: He's not looking well.*puts a hand on Connors forehead*

Hank: Oh for fuck sake.
Connors had the update.

Rk900 & Seth:*pulls a confused face*

Hank: He's had the stupid update you lot had. Look he's gunna be doing some stupid shit and saying some weird ass stuff aswell. Connor is going to be stupid from now on.*sighs* Great.

Connor: *stands up* YEET!!!! *throughs an empty beer can*

Seth: OW!!!The duck Connor.

Rk909 & Hank: *laughs*

Connor: Fuck that shit I'm out!*jumps out the window*


And that my friends was when Connor got a stupid update.👌🏻❤️

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