That Particular Day

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  Although it was odd to see him so big, you must have forgotten that you were in fact staring at him, for quite some time.
You turn your head to the right and call out your mom's name, even if you knew she was indeed, not at all present. You close the window of the small, but homely house. Just to run over to the restroom and splash yourself with some cold water.
Get yourself together! Wake up from your nap! Who cares if you were staring? Is it a crime to state? No... so why is it a problem?
You start laughing to yourself in a low and deep chuckle, ultimately getting an octave louder in an attempt to get rid of your embarrassment. You decide to put away your school work and college applications that you were working on before the nap away in a small wooden table-side drawer.
You're just stressed about school that's all. Maybe a nice walk outside will cool me down.
By the time you finished organizing everything to get out, the sunset was trickling down into the sky, barely touching the daylight.
I'll be fine, I can get back before sundown.

On this particular day, the sky was prettier than usual. Its hues reflected the clear lake that was at the very end of the fields. Maybe it was a good day to visit the lake.

The path was dusty and dry. You didn't expect the dirt cleared out to leave skid marks on your sneakers, but it found its way. Every minute or so you would tightly close your eyes to prevent the kickback of the dust to contaminate them. After the fifth time closing your eyes, you decided it was best to reach the lake through the grass in the fields.

There were hardly anyone out at this time of day, as most of the workers tend to rest from farming around dinner time, and sit with their families. On this particular day, fireflies were coming out a bit earlier than expected, and the night slowly consumed the blue hue. Children were being scolded to get inside after playing on the dust path. You look around and notice that you were alone. On this particular day--you were really all alone.
Maybe I'm not a very lucky person. Of all days I decided to walk far out, it had to be today. What happened to everyone? Was there some sort of dust epidemic or disease accumulation? I want to turn back but I'm already two-thirds of the way there I'm sure I'll be alright. Yea, I'll be alright.
You take the two strings of your hoodie and pull on them tight.

You know what they say about murders in rural areas, wait no I shouldn't be thinking about that... the lake! The lake! It's going to look amazing tonight with all the stars reflecting it.

On this particular day, there was more than stars that you will see.

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