Starting Over

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I sat up and looked around the room realizing I was in the hospital. There were 2 other beds in the room one on either side of me but I couldn't see who they were cuz there were thick curtains seperating us.

I swung my legs over the edge of my bed feeling my feet brush the cold floor. I slowly stood up groaning at the throbbing pain in my head as I slowly stumbled to the door leading to the hallway. I didn't know what I was doing or where I was going I just felt like going for a walk so that's what I did.


I looked up and saw TJ standing there.

"Hey Teej." I smiled.

"What the hell are you doing ya fricken turkey?" He laughed.

"Going for a walk." I shrugged.

"Yeah walks over. Let's get you back to your room."

I sighed but agreed anyway.

"Where is everyone I asked.

"Well Kyle and Jason are at the ranch watching Robby, Ricky, Parker and Tony, Lane and your dad are in the waiting room along with Chloe, King, Rocky and Mase are in jail waiting for their court date

and the other guys are in a different jail while the cops decide what to do with them."

"What about Kaidyn?"

"You didn't see him when you left your room? He's in the bed right next to yours."

I stared at him wide eyed before bolting to my room and ripping open the curtains closest to the door.

"TJ you fucker! You could have told me he was just sleeping! I thought he got shot!" I snapped as I punched his arm.

"I was getting to that but someone ran away before I could say anything else!"

I stuck my tongue out at him and seconds later I let out a small scream when arms wrapped around me and yanked me back.

I turned in Kai's lap and kissed his nose.

"Sup." I asked.

"What the fuck is wrong woth your head?" he laughed.

I shrugged and cuddled into his chest.

"Can I go home now?"

"I'll go talk to the nurse." TJ replied before walking out of the room.

Then I realized something.

"Wait if I'm fine and you're fine then who got shot?" I asked.

"Would you two shut the fuck up! I wanna sleeeeeep!" Someone whined.

"He did." Kaidyn laughed.

I pulled back the curtains and saw Muscles cuddling with his pillow trying to sleep.

I couldn't help it I ran up and hugged him.

"Whatcha doing?"

"Huggin you."

"I get that but why?"

"Cuz you took a fuckin bullet for me idiot!" I cried.

"Not my first time being shot." He shrugged.

"So what. You still took one for me, someone you didn't even know, someone who was part of a plan to get you locked up. Thank you."

He smiled and finally hugged me back.

Soon TJ came in with my release papers and I just couldn't wait to get home!



Kaidyn and I were cuddeling on the couch when the doorbell rang.

"I got it!" I screamed before running to the door and throwing it open.

"Hi Alix."

"Hey Officer Kowal! What's up?"

"Is your dad here?"

"Yeah on sec." I took a step back and screamed. "DAD! THERE'S A COP HERE TO ARREST YOU!" At the top of my lungs.

Officer Kowal looked at me like I had lost it while I just smiled innocently as I stood there rocking back and forth on my feet.

"Alix I love you hunny but there is something seriously wrong with that head of yours." Dad said as he came to the door.

"Oh I know." I chirpped before resuming my spot in Kaidyns lap.

Officer Kowal followed dad into the livingroom and they sat on the couch opposite us.

"So I'm here because of Shooter, Rex, Speedy, Jack, Muscles, Tyler, and Lefty. They've all recieved threats from their neighbouring gangs and we've decided to put them into Witness Protection. My question to you is are you up for it or is one enough?" He asked pointing towards Kaidyn.

Dad looked at me and I gave him my best puppy dog eyes I could possible make.

"I guess a few more couldn't hurt." Dad sighed in defeat.

I jumped up and started dancing around the room.

"Oh and Kaidyn both KJ and Max's locations have been compromised so we're bringing them here aswell."

Kaidyn smiled and this was a full on genuine smile I had never seen before. I like it.

I knew this was an opportunity for a fresh start for all of us and we were excited to start over.

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