I walk into the class and see that everyone is staring at me. I look at everyone with an annoyed stare. The teacher says "OK everyone let's get back to work". I don't know if it was just me but everyone was acting like robot's obeying every rule. But anyway the teacher came up to me and told me what they were doing and where my seat was. As I sat there was a boy next to me. He seemed nervous. The thing about me is I'm the type of girl that wears all dark clothes but I'm not a goth girl. I like to listen to music like Gun's and Roses and Metallica. So I guess I was kinda scarring this kid. Also my name is Jackie. He I wasn't doing anything in the class I was zoning everyone out and I had my music blast in my headphones. I had my head back and at one point I saw everyone staring at me. Then I feel a tap on my shoulder it's the kid that was nervous when I came to sit down. I took off an ear bud and said "Yeah" he looked at the teacher and pointed at her. I figured out what the boys name was cause the teacher thanked him for getting my attention for her. His name is Max. I then looked at the teacher and she said that there were no phones allowed in class. I was shocked that she JUST now noticed. I took of my headphones and put them in my backpack. I put my phone in my pocket and little did she know there's a cord in my pocket which is built in headphones in my sweater all I had to do was put my hood on. Hopefully she doesn't ask me to take my hood off. "Jackie no hoods in class" the teacher said, OF COURSE SHE WOULD SAY THAT! I spoke to soon. Finally the bell rang and I looked at my schedule and it said room 178 I was so lost but I didn't want to show it so I casual asked Max were this room was he said that class is around his so he could take me there if I wanted. I took him up on this offer so I didn't have to get lost with a bunch of directions. We were walking to class really slow which I hated but I was trying to go at the kids speed, I think he was trying to do the same. The bell rang and we were late. The kid started to freak out saying "shoot were late were late" and he began to speed up his walking. I said "What's the big deal you've never been late before? " he said "No... " I told him if he wanted to have some fun. He said "like what?" I told him let's skip class. You know, you'd think I asked him to jump off a bridge. He said "Never" but then he thought for a minute and said "actually I'll do it... If you tell me your background story... ". So we made a deal I wasn't actually going to tell him how I ended up in this trash school but I was going to tell him that I just moved here because my parents wanted to start a knew life and all that sappy stuff. He said "what do we do first" I just smirked
Hey guys part two coming soon