an invitation

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Ringing obnoxiously, the college's meagre bell sounded, alerting us that our breaktime had drawn to a sorrowful end. Sighing quietly with frustration, I glanced out of the polished window. The sun, vigorous and blinding, blasted to every area that it could reach. Yet, despite how violent it appeared to be from a first glance, its rays were welcoming. Okay, maybe it was winter. But that simply meant there was a lot more opportunity for staying inside in the warmth. And at least my older sister couldn't nag me as much for it as I would have an excuse. She had always hated my laziness throughout my whole life. Even before our parents died.

After some time dazing off into the distance in my random thoughts, my best friend's words happened to catch me off guard.

"Emilia, how about we hang out this afternoon?" Ling hummed sweetly, swiping down on her Instagram feed rapidly on her shattered iPhone screen as she gathered her desk of belongings with her other hand. "We can go to a café or something, it's been a good while since we did shit like that. I'll buy you a hot chocolate."

"Yeah, nice, that sounds fun. As long as you'll pay for extra cream for on top of it." I returned with a smile, cackling in amusement at my request. Sniggering in response, she rolled her beautiful, maroon eyes and nodded. The truth was, I had a passionate crush on her. Not that I ever would have admitted it back then.

"Fineeeeee, I'll pay for some damn cream. Meet me at my place. At five, maybe? Is that okay?" She replied, locking her phone with a yawn as she stood up and tucked her chair under the cheap plastic table. "Also I got some homework to do which makes no sense, can ya help me out with it then?" She continued, curling her long, dark hair carefully around one finger.

"Aha! So that's what all this is about then, huh?" I teased, drawing wonky lines onto my paper, rather than packing up my belongings. "You just want me to do your homework? Is that it?" I sneered, throwing a pen lid at her face jokingly.

A pen lid was thrown in my face in return, softly scratching the surface of my skin. "Hey! I know I'm horrible, but not that awful! And careful of my makeup! Your dumb pen lid will strip it off!" She wailed childishly, waving her arms around dramatically.

"Well, I dunno about that. And shut up, You're acting as if you're ugly without it." I cackled again in return, placing the lid back onto the pen and eventually stood up. Aggressively shoving my folder into my backpack, I zipped it shut. It was a tight squeeze, but at least I got it in. "Anyways, let's go to class now before we're late, I don't know about you but I don't quite fancy another detention."

"First of all, you'd be the reason we would be late!" She giggled abruptly before she slid her handbag over her shoulder, shaking her head. "And no thanks! Not with that perv teacher, Mr Barlow! I'd rather not!"

"Rightyo, let's go then, you weirdo." I teased, sticking my tongue out at her, and began making my way to my lesson, whilst she went on her path to maths. I hated having lessons without her by my side, they were always so boring. It's not like I could get my phone out and message her during them either. If the teachers ever caught you with it in class, you were almost guaranteed to never have it returned to your possession.

Shuffling into the classroom with my ridiculously worn-out trainers, I yawned silently and then slouched in my designated seat. There was no point in paying attention at all, I didn't need product design to become a writer, after all. Smashing my head off the table as soon as I tucked the chair under it, I closed my eyes and fell asleep. Of course, it was ridiculously uncomfortable, but it was the best I had. The next thing I was aware of, was a disgustingly cold hand shaking me awake. "Emilia Steilsson. The class has ended." The male grumbled, fury echoing in his words. Lifting my head slowly, I yawned. My eyes met those of my teachers and I gagged. The putrid man had touched my God damn shoulder. Pushing my chair out, I fumbled for my belongings. "Emilia. If this behaviour continues I'll have to phone your sister." Heading to the door, I frowned.

"And what's Lovise gonna do? Tell me off for sleeping?" I snorted as he sighed coldly. "Exactly," I stated before strutting out with a smirk. Heading to the main entrance with my backpack, I stepped outside and shivered. Sure, I was Icelandic, but I had since gotten used to the bitter-cold English weather. Crossing my arms over my stomach, I quickly dashed over to my big sister's car. It wasn't hard to miss. With scratched, cobalt blue paint on its frame, it was hard to mistake for anybody else's. I mean, it stuck out like a sore thumb. Pulling the door open, I leapt onto the passenger seat and slammed it closed as loudly as I could. "Yo." I stated as she winced at the loud noise. She wasn't too impressed.

"What have I told you about the damn door?!" She snapped as I tried my best to hold in a laugh. "Don't you dare laugh, young lady." She grumbled, lifting the handbrake whilst I clipped on my seatbelt. Beginning to drive, she kept her eyes fixated on the road. "So. How was your day?" She questioned her hands on the wheel.

"Shit," I stated blankly, staring out of the window again. "Fell asleep in class again. Oh. But I and Ling are going to a café later." My frown eventually turned into a small smile. Lovise raised an eyebrow and frowned.

"Less of the fucking swearing! And why should I let you go to the café if you've not been paying attention in class, yet again?" She stressed, her vision still focused on her driving. My heart sank.

"Please! Ling and I haven't done anything together in ages!" I stressed, preparing myself for any potential arguments. "I promise I'll pay more attention! It's Friday! Fridays are for fun! Just let me! Please! I love you! Best big sister!" I blurted out frantically. Lovise sighed.

"Okay. Just this once. Next time, no. I'm not having you getting rewarded for doing shit you shouldn't be proud of." She grumbled, pulling the rusted vehicle into the driveway. With surprise, I gasped excitedly as I stumbled out of it.

"Thank you! Thank you so much!" I grinned, darting through the front door. Without a word, I dashed upstairs into my bedroom. My excitement was so vast that I had completely forgotten to say hello to Lovise's girlfriend. When I had reached my destination, I tossed my belongings onto the floor with a relieved sigh. Heading straight to my wardrobe, I rummaged around a bit, trying to organise an outfit. After a while, I chose to settle on a traditional Icelandic jumper, a black skater skirt, black tights and ankle-height boots. Waltzing to my mirror, I took the time to curl my hair and do my makeup, attempting to look as attractive as I possibly could. Once I was done, I backed away with a smile. Perfect! Perfect. Shoving some money, toiletries, a hairbrush and spare makeup into a smaller backpack, I then skipped downstairs and walked into the lounge, tapping a quick message to my best friend.

I'm ready now!! Leaving asap :)
Delivered at 16:32

Oki doki! See ya :D
Delivered at 16:33

"Wow. Someone's dressing fancy today, aren't they?" Came an annoying voice, chuckling softly. Lifting my head from my phone, I raised an eyebrow at my sister's girlfriend.

"Shut up. It's just because I don't want to look gross going out in public." I snapped. "We don't all naturally look attractive." Mette then frowned slightly.

"That's not what I meant sweetheart-" she started, before silencing herself on the matter. "Have you put on your suncream? We don't want you getting burnt." She continued as I shook my head.

"It's winter at night time. I don't need that shit!!" I frowned as she just facepalmed out of frustration. Calling out to my sister, she told her that I was leaving without it. Groaning, I gently smashed my head on the door frame. "Why?!" I grumbled as Lovise walked into the room with a bottle of suncream.

"Put it on. Right now. Or you're not leaving." She stated coldly, holding it out to me. Growling, I snatched it and started applying it to my skin as quickly as I possibly could. Being albino surely was a buzzkill at the best of times.

Once I was done with the grim application, I tossed it at Mette's head and darted out the door without providing a single farewell to either of them. Doing such a thing would lead me to be late to meet her. And being late to any kind of event with friends is always dreadfully awkward.

Eventually, after some time, I reached Ling's front door and gave it a gentle knock, panting desperately for oxygen, almost like a helpless dog after a game of fetch. I hated running more than I hated class. And that was impressive.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 10, 2020 ⏰

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in love with my best friend // Nyo HongIce // Hetalia HWSWhere stories live. Discover now