Never Published Work No. 1: Troubling Times at Monroe High

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This is a segment I will like to present called Never Published Work (NPW) where I share the first chapter to a fic that I have started writing but have never published. I thought it would be cool to see inside my drafts, and maybe you like what you read and want more. Here's the very first installment:

From Troubling Times at Monroe High

My day started like any other day would. I woke up (which was unfortunate) and poured myself a cup of orange juice in a travel cup. That's the first weird thing about me. I can't stand hot drinks (not even hot cocoa, before you ask). I don't know why I was programmed this way. I just was.

Anyway, my mother had already left for work at the Coca-Cola factory she worked at and my father was off somewhere in Texas screwing a prostitute, so I had the house to myself. My big sister, Chance (which is a stupid-ass hippie name if I've ever heard one) was off at college screwing college boys and drinking Vodka straight from the bottle. Living the American dream.

I was already late since I was not a morning person at all, so I skipped breakfast and raced out with the backpack and OJ. Orange juice is the only acceptable morning drink, in my opinion. Get out of here with your coffee and tea, because orange juice will always win.

The streets were rather unbusy that morning. This was fortunate for me since I was running a tad behind schedule and I was never very delighted by large crowds of people. I hated walking around towns and cities when there were tons of people on the sidewalks. It's the most awful thing in the world, behind poverty and stuff, I guess.

Walking to school is a magical experience that I wish every student could experience. I like to think about how I will tell my grandchildren one day about how their grandpa walked to and from school despite weather conditions. That's a weird thing to think about.

The school was not far from my humble home, which was pleasant since I was not a fan of long walks. Scratch that from my online dating profile. Monroe High was this big modern school that you see in all the teen TV shows, like Degrassi or something. This isn't important, not really, but I like to set the scene.

Monroe High was (supposedly) the best public school in the county and I was supposed to be grateful that I lived such a short distance from its welcoming red doors (Our colors are red and white. Go Bulldogs!) and the two-story castle (with no student elevator), but I wasn't. It's not like I'm not a grateful person, just when it comes to school I don't care enough to even nod along to all the adults who gush about Monroe like it's Harvard or something.

Unbeknownst to me, Monroe High was going to get a lot worse that fateful day.

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