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Annabella's P.O.V. 

I woke up to yelling after I had a nightmare about monsters. I couldn't go back to sleep. My door was open and light poured in from the kitchen. I slipped through my doorway and got down on my hands and knees to watch mommy and daddy without being caught. Mommy was yelling at daddy.

"John I'm through with you being overprotective of me. You should be more worried about Annabella. I'm going out tonight and having fun. Bye John!" mommy said walking out of the front door. 

"Alexia!" Daddy yelled after her. 

"Damn it!...Oh hi sweetie." dad said turning around to see me.

"Where did mommy go?" I asked.

"She's just going to help a friend. Come on let's get you back into bed my little Angel." Daddy said picking me up and taking me back to my room. He pute me back into bed and kissed my forehead before leaving.

Over the next few months, mommy and daddy talked less and mommy got bigger. 

"Mommy you ate all my candy didn't you?" I asked her one day when she was infront of the mirror getting ready.


"You ate all my candy!" 

"Why do you say that?"

"Cause you getting bigger."

She paused for a moment looking a little shocked then answered.

"Oh sweetie that's just because I don't eat my green veggies and started staying up late eating ice cream and watching soapoperas." 

"I don't want to get big...I'm gonna go eat some green veggies. Love you mommy! I'll clean my room too!" I said running out of the room.

That was twenty years ago and mom left two days after that on my 3rd birthday. Now I've dealt with it growing up then when I turned 13 I got my wings. Dad had taken me out of school for the special occasion.

However my wings were different from my dads. Mine were a light grey and dads were white but a little dull. Dad said that he was an Angel for God and when Lucifer wanted them to follow him and not God Dad ran away instead of picking a side in the internal war in Heaven. Dad is a fallen Angel.

He soon fell in love with my mom, but got punished for it because Angels weren't supposed to love mortals. That's why my wings are this color. My dad taught me how to spread my wings and fly after supper that night. He then transfeered me to California to learn at a "Special" school that didn't just end at High School level but went on into College level to. Called Riverton Prep.

I met two of my good friends there, Mckenzie and Fletcher. I went out one night with those two to a club and that's where I met my best friend Flower. I was classified as a Dark Angel and was supject to weekly drug and alcohol test. I didn't care and went to the bar. Soon another girl sat down and a great friendship was born.

"New here?" she asked

"Yeah it's my first time at this place." I answered.

"Well might I suggest the martini's they have the best here." 


"I'm Flower...Flower Wolf...I know it's a strange name." she said extending her hand out.

"Yeah it is an odd name but I like it...I'm Annabella Rose." I said shaking her hand.

"Hey Jim can I have two of your best martini's?" she asked the bartender.

"Of course anything for my favorite diva." the guy said.

"Diva?" I asked.

"Oh I'm a wrestler." she answered.

"Cool...I'm a full time student and cant' drink too much. They have weekly drug and alochol test at this place." 

"Harsh." she said taking her drink from the guy and chugging it.

We talked the whole night and became instand bestfriends. Flower invited me to one of the shows she was doing in town. It was a big WWE event she said....I think she said it was Summerslam and she had to defended her title as Diva's Champion.

I said yes and the next night she picked me up and took me to the event. After the whole thing Flower's boyfiend Domenic and his twin brother Danny offered to take us out to eat. We all agreed to go to one place...Los Amigos. That nigt was just the beging of the the biggest fight ever to happen in my life.

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