Ch. 2

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Annabella's P.O.V.

        So we weresitting in our booth with the twins on one side and me and Flower on the other. When I looked around I saw this beautiful guy in the corner at the bar. He had spikey blonde hair and was wearing a black leather jacket. When I pointed him out to Flower she smiled and stood up to let me out of the booth.

"Go have some fun...but no drinking ok? Don't want you to get kicked out of school." she said as I stood up.

"I wont!" I said a little annoyed.

        I walked over to the bar and ordered a martini on the rocks. What Flower doesn't know wont hurt her. I it's my life who is she to tell me what to do? Oh yeah my best friend but hey I'm sure no harm will come from this.

"Ok miss. All alcohol's not allowed to be givin without a valid ID stating you're 21. Oh and that'd be $3:50." the bartender said.

"Oh yeah here you go." I said showing him my ID and handing him the money.

"I want what she's having and make it a double." said the mysterious guy in the deep dark corner.

"Ok sir." the bartender said taking our money and started to fix our drinks.

"Hi...I'm Skieler Waters. And what's your name?" he said moving and sitting down next to me.

"I'm Annabella Rose. Nice to meet you." 

"Wow such a beautiful name for such a beautiful lady." he said smiling and making me blush.

        The bartender brought the drinks around muttering something about ungrateful childeren. Skieler gave him a 50 dollar bill and told him to shut the hell up. Then he handed me my drink and smiled, this time I smiled back instead of blushing. I just couldn't help myself.

        I took a sip and felt an overwelming force go through me. I heard yelling from off in the distance. It was Skieler yelling at the bartender accusing him of posioning me, but I thought I was fine...just tipsy. I could walk, talk, breathe and hit on a totally hot guy at the same time. Then everything went black.

        Next thing I knew, I was waking up in a gown, and not a ball gown either; though I wish it were; sadly I have to say that it was a hospital gown in a small hospital room. However what I saw to my right when I woke up is very important here. He was sitting right next to me holding my hand.

"Skieler?" It was one simple word but it felt good to say it, he looked up.

"Oh thank God your awake!" 

"What happened?"

"You got poisioned by the bartender."

"Oh...I guess that's what I get for not listening to Flower."

"Yeah I guess so." he said laughing.


"Nothing..It's just when I told you that you've been poisioned by the bartender, You made a joke. I wasn't expecting you to take it so lightly." 

"Oh yeah well that's how I where is everybody?" 

"They are at practice, I guess. One of the guys and the girl said that they were going to spend some time alone. Bet that'll be fun." 

I laughed at this, it was a weak and shakey laugh but a lugh still.

"When are they going to release me?"

"This upcoming hour. Your friends wanted me to take you home..but I have no clue where you live. So you're just going to have to come to my place until your friends can pick you up."

"Ok..sounds good to me. Where's my phone?" 

"Um..." he said looking around the room for it. "Here." he said taking my phone out of my carry home plastic bag. 

        He had to shift through my lacey bra and dug in my pants pockets to get it. He gave it to me and I started texting Flower and the twins telling them NOT to pick me up. 

"That's a nice bra by the way." Skieler said closing the bag up and putting it back on the side table.

        I tried to hide my blush and was about to comment when a nurse walked in. The nurse asked how I was feeling and when I said I was fine she said that my boyfriend was allowed to take me home now.


"Best I could do if I wanted to stay in the room with you." 

        I smiled at Skieler and blushed when he smiled back. I told him to wait out in the hall while I got changed. Then we went down to the parking lot and found his black camero and got in. As soon as we got in and he started it, Death Metal blast through the speakers but he changed it to country for me. I started singing quietly to "Amen" by Edens Edge.

        We got to his house in about 45 minutes, and we pulled up to a nice old but big wooden house. He helped me out and took me inside, only pausing to unlock the door. 

"Wow!" I said as we walked into a massive living room.

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