You go into labour

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Matt- You and Matt were at Cameron's house. All the boys were in the pool. You were tired and your baby was due in two weeks. You got up off the couch and walked into the kitchen. Suddenly you felt liquid running down your pants.

You looked down too see a puddle on the floor. You started freaking out. A wave of intense pain hit your lower abdomen. You fell too the ground, crying and screaming, hoping matt would hear you. You heard footsteps coming down the hall.

"Princess where are you?" It was matt.

You let out a loud yelp. Matt ran in.

"Matt it's coming, the damn baby is coming, call an ambulance."

"Babe, there's no time."

All the boys came running in.

"Nash go call the midwife, cam get some towels."

Nash handed me the phone and put it on speed dial. The midwife directed me on what too do. Taylor and Cam take her hands. I pulled down her pants.

"Okay Y/N in 3 you need to push, 3,2,1"

"Aghhhh" you screamed, squeezing Taylor's hand.

"Okay, again."

You pushed again, the pain was unbearable.

"One more" you pushed your hardest. You heard faint cries.

"The ambulance is on it's way" Shawn called. My eyesight became blurry and next thing I blacked out. I woke up in a different place with all the boys around me and matt holding a baby.

"Rosie" matt said, I nodded.

"Rosie Lauren Espinosa"

"Also cam sorry about um giving birth on your kitchen floor" he chuckled.

Jack G- You screamed, grabbing jack by the shirt.

"It's okay babe just breath"

"Don't you tell me what too do. You have no fucking idea. You piece of crap this is all your fault. Letting me get drunk and then sticking your dick In meeeeee aghhh" you screamed.

"It's a boy" the nurse, cried.

Your son was placed into your arms.

"William" Jack nodded. You were overwhelmed by how wonderful your son looked.


Really bad again 😐

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