Chapter 1

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        I sat there. Alone. All Alone. Surrounding me was pure darkness. Waiting for my mother, I didn't want to think she forgot. Again. I wanted to think, to believe so badly, that she remembered. Remembered to pick me up once. Just once.

        I gave up and decided to walk home. Like usual. She was already 1 hour and 30 minutes late. An hour and thirty minutes! I slowly walked away from the brick wall building known as my school. As my High School. Wevers High to be exact. Hopping not to draw attention to myself, I walked in complete silence.

        It was so dark the only thing I could see was the area where street lights lit. But that made it even harder to see since the lights kept flickering. It was cold I swear my body was frozen. But it couldn't have been because I was still moving. The whole town was really quiet. Too quite if you ask me. Even the waterfall was silent. It was strange. It was as if the water wasn't even running down it. My pace quickened, sensing someone was near. Then out of the blue, I ran.

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