Chapter 2

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RING!RING!RING!RING! I woke up to my alarm and slammed my hand on it. I got out of bed to get ready for school. I went to take a shower; got in and washed my body and hair ; got out wrapped the towel around me and brushed my teeth while putting on my jams,I finished brushing my teeth and dried the rest of my body; I went to my drawers and picked out some panties and my bra I wore yesterday then I went to my closet to find my outfit and shoes

 I went to take a shower; got in and washed my body and hair ; got out wrapped the towel around me and brushed my teeth while putting on my jams,I finished brushing my teeth and dried the rest of my body; I went to my drawers and picked out some p...

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I didn't make my lunch because I knew I wasn't going to eat it, see what I didn't tell y'all is that I have a eating disorder where I starve myself and when I do eat I just make myself puke it up which is called purge and I have depression and I u...

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I didn't make my lunch because I knew I wasn't going to eat it, see what I didn't tell y'all is that I have a eating disorder where I starve myself and when I do eat I just make myself puke it up which is called purge and I have depression and I used to harm my self, I still have the scars but I cover them up with makeup.(if you have depression do not harm yourself,talk to someone and also do not start having a eating disorder please talk to someone,you can even talk to me just please do not harm your body) I always got bullied for my weight and my looks, but iv'e always been smaller in weight but I don't care about my size I care about their words so that is what made me do it. I actually got bullied for a lot of things like my looks,size,smartness,height because i'm shorter then other kids,I got called a lot of cuss words like slut,whore,bitch,dumb-ass and other ones I got called trash, but anyway I got a water so I can drink it during lunch. I ran back up the stairs and packed a gym bag with tennis shoes, gym clothes, deodorant, perfume, and a water bottle with cold water in it. I slide down the stairs and ran out the door with my keys, back-pack, and gym bag. I got in my car and started it and left to school, I didn't want to go to school today but its only my second day here and I can't miss it but today is Thursday so I only have tomorrow for this week. Once I got to school I parked and went inside as soon as I did everyone stared at me but I ignored it, well kinda but I went to my locker and put my gym bag and the stuff I didn't need for the first few periods in my locker, after I closed my locker someone slammed me into it and let me tell you it hurt like a bitch, I looked up and it was the tall guy with grayish-blueish eyes from yesterday. He talking but I didn't listen because I saw someone that hurt me badly,

   that is my ex he got dared to ask me out and I said yes to him because I liked him but anyway after that he told rumors about me and the bulling got worse, but what hurt me the most is that he moved away then texted me that it was a dare to ask...

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that is my ex he got dared to ask me out and I said yes to him because I liked him but anyway after that he told rumors about me and the bulling got worse, but what hurt me the most is that he moved away then texted me that it was a dare to ask me out. It broke me worse than I already was but I was knocked out of my thoughts when someone slapped me, I looked up and it was the same guy that was talking to me. I yelled "what the hell was that for" and he slapped me again so I pushed him away and ran to the bathroom that nobody goes to and started crying because he put in a lot of force in those slaps, I mean I got hit before but it has been a few weeks since then.*Time Skip* I just heard the first bell which was for homeroom so I picked up my stuff and went to homeroom. when I got in there I saw maddie and that group of ten so I went to the other side of the classroom and went to the back, the back door was right next to me so I looked out of it and saw a women, little girl, and a man they were laughing and the little girl was holding the womens and mans hands, the man and women was swinging their little girl. It reminded me when I was around that age and everything went perfect for me, me and my parents would do that together and a lot of other things. I didn't realize I was crying 'till the teacher asked "y/n are you okay?"I looked at her and said "yeah,i'm fine" even though I wasn't. I wiped my tears away and turned around to the teacher, I didn't make it to homeroom yesterday so I didn't introduction myself to the class hopefu- "y/n come introduce yourself" -lly she doesn't make me but my bad luck anyways I got up and slowly made my way to the front of class with all eyes on me, I got to the front and started to talk "Hi, my name is y/n y/l/n and I came from Florida" I looked at the teacher and she said "tell them what school and your age" I said "ok, well the school I came from was wethside and i'm 17 years old" then I looked at the teacher and she asked "does anyone have question for y/n" a few people raised their hands "ok, so Jonah what is your question" Mrs.noble(the teacher) asked the kid that slapped me, I knew that cause she pointed at him but he replied "Did it hurt?when you fell from the whore tree and banged every guy on the way down." then he high fived his friend with curly hair beside him "um,actually i'm a virgin" which I am then the teacher said "Jonah that is not appropriate language,i'll talk to you after class but luca what is your question." luca had black hair I think

Luca said "Can you help me with this problem? Its's (x + u = 25)"  I was confused because this is homeroom but I said "sure" he replied with "I think X must be 15 because U are a 10" once again I was confused then I realized that he was compliment...

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Luca said "Can you help me with this problem? Its's (x + u = 25)" I was confused because this is homeroom but I said "sure" he replied with "I think X must be 15 because U are a 10" once again I was confused then I realized that he was complimenting me, I almost ran up to him and gave him a hug because it has been about 12 years since someone has complimented me, I said "aw, well thank you but you did get it correct" everyone stared at him with wide eyes and their jaw dropped even the teacher, then Mrs.noble said "luca, that was the first time you have talked since the beginning of high school" luca replied with "I know but someone should compliment her, I mean look she's perfect" I looked down when he said that I was perfect because i'm not, there is so many things wrong with me, but I couldn't help but let a tear drop, I stopped myself and looked up there was still two hands up so Mrs.noble asked "Miranda what is your question? and luca that is very nice of you" Miranda asked me "why did you move?" I told her "to be honest I got kicked out of my old school" "why did you get kicked out?" Miranda asked "I don't really want to tell anyone but I did something that could've sent me to jail but we just moved away." I replied then she said "oh" I heard someone say "were you a prostitute or something"it was Jonah's friend with the curly hair but again the words hurt but I said "No I wasn't, i'm pretty sure prostitutes aren't virgins and i'm a virgin." Mrs.noble didn't say anything to him but she pointed at him and mouthed "meet me after class" like she said to Jonah. There was one more hand raised so Mrs.noble said "Gabbie go ahead and ask her" you could tell she was fed up probably because of Jonah and the other guy "Did it hurt when you fell from heaven?Cause it looks like you landed on your face!" there went another rude comment so I just went to my seat in the back, the teacher told Gabbie "meet me after class too" then someone passed me a piece of paper I opened it and it said...

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