Chapter 5

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Recap:Me and Luca was laughing and being the weirdos that we are when I ran into someone and that someone was... Max but he seemed really pissed off so I asked him "what's wrong Max" he said "I really wanna hit those bastards" I had a idea of who he was talking about but i'm not sure I asked "who?" he said "Jonah and his group of ass wipes" ha I knew it was them, I mean who else would it be Luca knocked me out of my thoughts by asking "what did they do?" Max said " I was walking around to get my daily walk in and I walked past their house and I heard them talking shit about y/n and saying so much shit you should not say to a female or even a human they are so disrespectful to people" that's when Luca shouted again "damn, they are really disrespectful you wanna what y/n asked me earlier, well she asked 'do you think i'm fat or a slut or anything like that' they made her think that about herself" I miss this feeling, where you know someone cares about you well this is it, I started smiling then I hugged both of them really tight, then they looked at me weirdly probably because of the situation that we are in but I told them "I love this feeling like to know someone cares about you I haven't felt that in a while thank you guys." they looked at each other and smiled then said "your welcome" at the same time and I giggled, we hugged again then walked off to my house so we could hang out, when we got there I went inside to make sure no one was home which no one was so I told the boys to come in. We went to my bedroom and I got the stuff I needed and I went into the bathroom, I yelled "Luca, Max you can go get your clothes and stuff from your house if you want to" then I heard footsteps running out my room so I guess they wanted to. First, I got my makeup wipes and wiped of my makeup then I took off my clothes and went into the shower, I got out and changed into something that I will wear to bed

I covered up my scars with makeup then I went and put my dirty clothes and makeup into their places which was still in the bathroom when I came out I saw Luca and Max with their stuff so I let them use the bathrooms to change and if they need to t...

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I covered up my scars with makeup then I went and put my dirty clothes and makeup into their places which was still in the bathroom when I came out I saw Luca and Max with their stuff so I let them use the bathrooms to change and if they need to take a shower well whatever they need, while they were doing that I set up Netflix on my TV and went downstairs to get some snacks for them I got popcorn, candy, soda, and some water. When I was back in my room they where sat on my bed so I gave them the snacks and asked "do y'all wanna watch Netflix and eat snacks?" they said "yeah" we laid on my bed and I was in the middle of Luca and Max, we are in the middle of picking movies when my phone goes off, I looked at it and it was a text message from the group chat that me, Tate and Christina is in but they asked C-Christina T-Tate M-Me

T- Hey y/n you wanna come over to my house with Christina

M- Hey, I would love to but me, Luca and Max are having a movie night

C- oh well next time then

M- I can ask if they are comfortable with you guys coming over to watch movies with us

T- no its alright we can hang out another time

I stopped texting for a minute "hey can Tate and Christina come over to watch movies with us?" I asked they said "sure"

M- to bad I already asked them and they said its all good so come to my house which is 4709 Shadowmar Drive (not sure if this is a real address or not I hope its fake)

T & C- ok we will be there in a few minutes we already are dressed for the movie marathon

M- ok bye

I put my phone down and sat back down we wanted to wait for the girls to get here so we can all choose a movie together then we would all choose a movie we wanted to watch. *20 minutes later* we heard the door bell ring so I went downstairs and opened the door and there was standing Christina and Tate, I let them in and showed them upstairs to my room they came in and sat down in the chairs I had in there and I sat in between Luca and Max. *Few minutes later* we finally agreed on one movie which is "Eighth Grade"

*Time Skip* during the movie I started to get really cold so I looked around my room for something, my eye landed on a black champion hoodie I don't know whose it was but I got up from my spot and picked it and I put it on, it smelled like really ...

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*Time Skip* during the movie I started to get really cold so I looked around my room for something, my eye landed on a black champion hoodie I don't know whose it was but I got up from my spot and picked it and I put it on, it smelled like really good cologne

it went down to my knees, then Luca looked over to me and chuckled "you look cute in my hoodie" I looked down and blushed then I said " I can take it off if you want me to" I went to take it off but he came over and told me "no, like I said you lo...

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it went down to my knees, then Luca looked over to me and chuckled "you look cute in my hoodie" I looked down and blushed then I said " I can take it off if you want me to" I went to take it off but he came over and told me "no, like I said you look cute in my hoodie" once again I blushed but I tried to hide it, Key Word: Tried, but he saw and said "you also look cute blushing" that is when I noticed the movie was paused and Christina, Tate and Max was watching us with smiles on their faces, We sat back down then I got a text message from my group chat with the girls M-Me T-Tate C-Christina

C- y'all are so cute together (Y/N and Luca)

T- I know right they are really cute

M- chill guys we aren't even dating yet

T- ya y'all aren't bu- wait what "yet" when will it happen

C- yeah when is "lemily" gonna happen (my name is Emily you can put your name instead of mine)

M- I didn't mean to send that

C- we know you meant to send that

M- bye guys

I felt someone looking over my shoulder, so I turned around and it was Luca he was smiling he has seen the text messages "so when is 'yet'?" he asked me "whenever the time comes" I replied to him smiling. *Time Skip* we were watching the last movie which is "IT" I hate scary movies

I was really sleepy so I started to fall asleep and I felt hands around my waist I kinda opened my eyes and seen that it was Luca, I closed my eyes and then he kissed my forehead and whispered "goodnight princess"

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I was really sleepy so I started to fall asleep and I felt hands around my waist I kinda opened my eyes and seen that it was Luca, I closed my eyes and then he kissed my forehead and whispered "goodnight princess"

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