Happy Birthday Erick

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Erick Birthday imagine for Y/N

Made by Brenda and Ciara

Y/N= Your Name

Y/F/N= Your Full Name

Hi my Name's Y/N and I'm 18 and I'm on my way to surprise my bf Erick Colon for his 18th birthday. Erick and I have been together for 2 years, I'm a year and 6 months older than him. He has been on tour with his bandmates, their band name is CNCO. They are really good singers; my favorite song of theirs is Se Vuelva Loca. I haven't seen Erick in six months, and I really miss him; So I decided for his birthday I am going to show up at one of his concerts and surprise him. The rest of the guys are going to help me. Right now I'm on a plane heading to LA where they are performing tonight, I have about two hours left so I'm going to sleep the rest of the way.

~2 Hours later~

Flight attendant: "Everyone buckle up, we are now landing."

I buckle up and look out the window to my left, and smiled. I'm so close to seeing my boyfriend!! I hope the surprise goes well!! We land and I grab my backpack out of the overhead storage. I then got off the plane and got the rest of the bags, as I was waiting for my bags I texted the group chat I made to plan Ericks surprise and told them that I just landed.

*Group Chat*

Y/N: "HEY GUYS!! I just landed!!"


CV: "Erick is going to be so happy!!"

Z: "I can't wait to see his face!!"

J: "Same! He is going to be so surprised!"

Y/N: "I hope so!"

R: "He will!"

Z: "How was your flight?"

Y/N: "Good! I slept most of the way!"

CV: "Sounds about right!"

Y/N: What's that supposed to mean?"

J: "It means you sleep all the time!"

Y/N: "I can't argue with that."

CV: "Renato is on his way to pick you up."

Y/N: "Okay."

*End Group Chat*

I walked outside with my bags and waited where there weren't that many people because I didn't want any of Ericks fans to recognise me and ruin the surprise by posting pictures. Finally Renato pulled up and he helped me with my bags.

Renato: "How was your flight?"

Y/N: "Good. I slept most of the way." I said laughing.

Renato: "I would've too! It was a long flight."

Y/N: "Yeah it was."

We got in the car and he started driving.

Y/N: "So where am I going to be till the concert."

Renato: "You can either wait in a hotel room or walk around LA. I got you a room because I assume you and Erick would want to be alone at some point." He said laughing.

Y/N: "Yeah, thank you." I said laughing too.

We made small talk till we got to the hotel. I called joel to tell him I'm here,

*Phone Call*

J: "Hello."

Y/N: "Hey, I'm here!"

J: "Okay, We'll keep him in our room till you get in yours. Just call me when your inside." He said whispering.

Y/N: "Will do, thanks."

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