Marry Me?~ E.B.C

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thanks to @ciaralovesmagcon & @dreamingofjoel for helping me write this

Angel's POV:

Erick and I have been together for 5 years. He's currently on his one month break before he goes back on tour, Erick and I were currently cuddling on the couch watching our favorite show "Jane the Virgin" (I love this show it's mine and Ciara's favorite) Erick's phone was ringing and he picked it up and he said he had to go to the studio. I felt upset cause we don't get to spend that much time together because he's always on tour. I'm glad he's following his dream I just wish I got to see him more. Sometimes I feel like he would be better off with someone else but he reminds me everyday that I'm the only girl on his mind 24/7. After an hour Erick came back home.

A: "Hey baby what you doing home? I thought you were at the studio".

E: "I was, but I missed my baby so much that I decided to come home early".

A: "You came back because me" ?

E: " Yes,because I don't get to spend that much time with you because I'm always on tour and I wanna make it up to you, so be ready be 6."

It's currently 4 I have 2 hours to get ready, I take a shower and wash my hair. Once I get out of the shower I ask Erick what to wear.

A: "Babe what should I wear?"
E; "Wear whatever your comfortable in baby".

I decided to wear this

I decided to wear this

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Your Hair:

Your Makeup:

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Your Makeup:

Erick's outfit:

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Erick's outfit:

E:"Wow Mi Amor you look absolutely beautiful

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E:"Wow Mi Amor you look absolutely beautiful

A: "Aww thanks baby you look very handsome."

E: "Ready to go Mi Amor?"
A: "Ready as I'll ever be"

*In the car*

We've been in the car for 2 hours and I had no idea where we were going.

A: "Baby where are we going?"
E: "It's a surprise, here" he holds me a blindfold 'Put this on please"

A: "I'm not putting that thing on for all I know your gonna leave me somewhere by myself"

E: Baby I would never leave you, just put it on please it's part of your surprise"

A: "Fine only because I love you."

E: "Thank you I love you too"

We're in the car for another 10 min then I feel the car stop and hear a car door open and close. Next thing I know my door is being open

E: "It's ok mami I got you don't worry".

Once Erick gets me out of the car he closes the door and we start walking.

As we're walking I feel sand? Hmm we must be at the beach I wonder what he's planning maybe a picnic I cling to him a little tighter

E: "Mami It's ok relax nothing bad is gonna happen to you I promise"

After a few more minutes E: "Ok take off the blindfold"

As my eyes get used to the light I see Erick on one knee and written in the sand is will you marry me E: "So will you marry me mi amor?"

I nodded without hesitation as he slipped the ring on my finger finally getting and kissing as he wipes away tears of joy on my cheek

I nodded without hesitation as he slipped the ring on my finger finally getting and kissing as he wipes away tears of joy on my cheek

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Your Ring:

A/N: Sorry for the long wait I hope you like, if you would like an imagine please DM me

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A/N: Sorry for the long wait I hope you like, if you would like an imagine please DM me. I don't really read comment plus my comments are currently not working. Don't forget to follow me on instagram and twitter  @cncogirl18 

What I need is:
-The guy you want
-Your name, 1st name and last name is optional
-Your age
-Hair/eye color
-Anything else I should know
-And what kind of imagine you want (sweet/romantic/dirty/funny/sad)
-Long or short. Long=calllab short=just me
-You can request as many as you want.
- DM if you would like a request(s).

~Brenda Pimentel

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