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"Ok kids, recess time!" the female teacher shouted over the noisy kids in the class as they jumped from their seats and formed their groups. As each of them left the class in a hurry, their shoes would screech down the corridor through the double doors of the school unto the playground.

The orange haired teacher viewed at how disorganized the classroom was with her hazel eyes. "These kids will be the end of me," she sighed as she started to pick up the items that fell from the stampede earlier.

"Would you like some help Mrs. Bell?" a tiny voice was heard at the door. Mrs. Bell smiled as she raised her head knowing only one person to ask that question every day. It was a little boy with dark brown buzz cut hair; full moon dark brown eyes; and a smile that can warm and comfort you even in the coldest weather.

"Thank you, Evan, but today why don't you actually enjoy yourself with the other kids," Mrs. Bell said as she waved her hand in a motion for him to carry on outside. Evan nodded his head and made his way to the playground.

It was strange for Evan to be on the playground. He had always helped Mrs. Bell clean the class since the start of the school year, so this extra time was unusual for him. Normally Evan would take out his handheld game and find a comforting place to play during lunch, but this time he decided to maybe socialize with his class mates.

As he walked around he saw how each kid was having fun playing with each other giving Evan a sense of joy. Strange, but it was something that he noticed made him happy, but while looking he saw something that did not.

A girl was crying as two boys pranced around in a circle with a stick in their hand passing it back and forth to one another. Without thinking Evan quickly ran to the boys. Now, Evan was not the smartest in the class or physically inclined, but he was known to be the most generous and helpful in the class when needed. And right now, that girl needed him.

"Why don't you guys leave her alone? You're making her cry," Evan stated causing the boys to stop and look at him with a face of disappointment now that their fun had been cut short.

"What do you want Evan two shoes?" One of the boys replied.

"Yeah, shes just got a little dirt in her eye is all," the next one added.

Evan looked at their sly faces and was not convinced at all. Looking past them, he made his way towards the girl and asked if she was playing with them. It took a moment for her to respond, but with her face still buried with in her arms she shook her head in a swift motion sucking up whatever was draining from her face.

Evan looked at the two boys in their eyes showing how upset he was. The two did not say anything besides the sound of them sucking their teeth. "Let's go somewhere else," the tall one said as he broke the stick in his hand and tossed it in front of Evan.

As the two boys left, Evan picked up the sticks and sat down next to the girl. It was quite between the two before Evan decided to speak up. "Sorry Derrick and Donny were picking on you. I have this stick. I don't know if it's yours. Its broken, but don't worry I can fix it or find you an even better stick if you like," Evan said trying to be comforting. The girl stayed there with her head in her arms not moving an inch.

"Thank you," a soft voice managed to catch Evan's ear. He smiled and laid in the grass.

"So why were they picking on you?" Evan asked curiously.

"I-I was playing witches before they called me a weirdo and took my wand," the girl replied.

"Weird? Being a witch sounds super cool. You get to cast spells and summon creatures. Wish I could've been a witch."

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