The gift

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The elevator door opened. A rough-cut man in casual wear came out while on the phone. He had brown buzz cut hair and brown eyes with bags under them. He wore a black-tee with faded blue jeans.

"Derrick. Derrick! Its ok man, the game will be all set and ready to run tomorrow morning. Once we cross check with the head board we should be able to launch it within a month. Ok man, I'll see you tomorrow. Night." The man said as he hung up and placed he phone in his front pocket while reaching for the keys on his waist belt.

He stood in front of his door apartment number 46. As he opened the door and tried to enter he miss and knocked an item in front of him. Looking down he noticed it was a wrapped box with a small note attached. Curious, the man picks it up and enters his home.

Once inside, the box was placed on the coffee table along with his other things. The man then went to change into something more comfortable. After, he goes within the kitchen and takes a beer from out his fridge before cracking it open for a sip catching himself from a rough day at the company. Taking a moment, he stares at the gift-wrapped box wondering if he had order something and maybe forgot about it. It couldn't have been his birthday, that was months ago, even though belated birthday presents are such a thing.

The man takes a seat on his couch and pulls the box closer taking the note attached to it.

To: Evan
November 1, 2018

As promised

Evan was confused. The date on the note was around twenty years ago. It was strange, but he paid no mind towards it and began to rip the wrapping off and open the box.

Once open, Evan viewed the contents in the box and took them out one by one. First, he took

out a small hard drive of an up to date virtual reality system. It was a silver slim box with a touch screen on the top of it. Next, he took out the nodes that accommodates the system. The nodes were the next innovation to virtual reality where it puts your entire consciousness within the game being played giving an entirely new depth by feeling immersed inside an entirely new world.

Another item was a code to download the game titled "The Gift". Evan was curious as he never heard of such a game before. Though he was excited that he was gifted an entirely new system along with a game, so he had no real complaints.

Evan turned on the system and started to swipe the touch screen a couple times till he was able to type in the code for the game. Once downloaded the game automatically turned on saying "Dive to start". Evan placed the nodes onto his temple and closed his eyes before saying "Full dive start."

Everything went black until red flashing ooze ripped through the darkness and lettering appeared, The Gift. The letters then fade back into nothing.

Evan opened began to open his eyes to the world the game had conceived for him. He awoke on a wooden floor in front of a fire place, feeling the warmth being emitted from it thanks to the game. The area was calm and silent with only the sound of the cracks from the fire.

Picking himself off the ground, he noticed he was in some form of magic circle as symbols of unknown origin were placed around him. Possibly he was summoned here if he thought about it in game logic. If so, it was no ordinary summon as Evan spotted a bloody knife which might have been used to carve the symbols.

Evan already was interested in the game and what might appear here on out. He moved over to the table where he saw a piece of paper rested on top of it. Inspecting it, what he could gather was that it was made to instruct on summoning a hero or familiar, one that goes by the name Yvol.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 10, 2019 ⏰

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