bus rides - gladion

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(this is a school au! so basically its like normal everyday life :-)

Riding the bus has always been a terrific bore for me. Nothing fun ever happens and people rarely talk to each other. It was much more fun in middle and elementary school when action would happen and fights would take place. In high school, none of that happens.

The back of the bus was reserved for those who didn't want to be bothered by their friends or just didn't want to be bothered at all. Everybody who sat back there kept their earbuds in and were sitting in different positions in the seats. Even though I knew all of the kids back there and could easily talk to them, I decided not to. They probably just want to be left alone anyways.

There is one kid in the back who I talk to sometimes, and that is Gladion. Even though he's a year older than me, we still get along really well. Its almost as if we've been friends forever. If something exciting happens in class or if some drama breaks out, I always go to him for the latest on it. He personally refuses to get involved in all of the drama but somehow either finds himself in the middle of it or as an unsuspecting spectator. He gladly keeps me up to date on everything from everybody else's lives but not his own. I worry about him a lot; his dad disappeared a few years back and so he's left with his mom who I think is a little nutty.

Since I'm best friends with Lillie, Gladion's younger sister, sometimes I go home with the two. Lillie also keeps to herself on the bus; she likes to lay down with her pillow most days and takes a nap on the way home. Today was one of those days that I was going home with Lillie and Gladion. As we approached our stop, Gladion ripped his earbuds out of his head and walked up to the front of the bus. I gently tapped Lillie and woke her up from her nap and we followed behind Gladion. When we got off of the bus and approached the large white house, Lillie grabbed my hand and shot me a smile.

As soon as we got into the house, Lillie dragged me to her room where we flopped down on her bed and laughed. For a while, we talked about our day and how we hate our teachers and other girly gossips. Of course, Lillie had to bring up the fact that I had an embarrassing crush that I had on her brother.

"Hehe, so are you gonna tell him?" she yelled. I slapped my hand over her mouth and shushed her.

"His room is right next door, Lillie! He's gonna hear your stupid nonsense and think I'm crazy hahaha..." I awkwardly laughed to hide my pain. I really hoped that Gladion didn't hear a word she said.

"Well, Y/N, you never know if someone likes you unless they tell you... So why don't you ask him?" Lillie asked.

"Oh Lillie, you innocent child, it doesn't just work that way. You see, I'm afraid of being rejected by him. Most girls feel the same way. You'll understand once you find someone. It's a hard decision whether or not to tell them how you feel or just to wait it out," I explained. She listened carefully.

"Well, what if I like someone?" she asked, catching me off guard.

"YOU?? LIKE SOMEONE?? LILLIE!!" I screeched, tackling her in a hug. We laid there and giggled for a while and then continued to talk about our lives for the rest of the night.

The next day was the day I decided to tell Gladion how I felt. Lillie and I's talk made me decide that I wanted to finally tell him after waiting for so long. After pondering on how exactly to do so, I decided that I would tell him on our bus ride home so maybe it would give him something to think about instead of being absorbed in his own little world.

As I stepped up the stairs onto the bus, I was filled with anxiety. What I was about to tell Gladion could change my life in a good way or a bad way. I already told Lillie my plan and she was totally on board. She was excited to see the outcome of what was to come. I waited patiently for Gladion to make his way back to his seat and then followed behind. Before I made it all the way there, I turned around and Lillie gave me a thumbs up and mouthed 'good luck' and I sat down.

"Hey," was Gladion's warm welcome to me. As soon as I heard his voice, I immediately blushed.

"What's up? I haven't talked to you for a while so I thought I'd come to sit with you," I finished, laughing awkwardly at the end.

"Okay, so, what's on your mind? You seem preoccupied," he said, cocking his head and furrowing his brows. I instantly panicked and wrung my now sweaty hands. I had no idea how I was going to do this.

"Well, um, you see, haha," I started. He looked at me like he was interested. "I, uh had something I wanted to tell you," I continued. He was now looking at me more intensely which caused me to tense up.

"It's ok if you don't want to tell me right now, you look upset," he spoke softly. He totally read my mind.

"Well, if I don't tell you now, I'll never tell you and I've been waiting so long to tell you how I really feel. I have—"

"You don't have to say anymore, Y/N, I know how you feel," he cut me off and I was dumbfounded. I sat there with my mouth gaping open. "I heard Lillie scream at you last night; I'm not deaf you know. I'm sorry that I won't let you finish, but I feel the same way. You have always been there for me ever since I met you. I am so glad to have you in my life," he finished, resting his hand on mine. His simple action caused me to blush profusely. "I will cherish every bus ride we have together, forever. I like you too, Y/N," I looked at Gladion and said nothing and nor did he. There was no need for words since we both knew exactly how we both felt. It was the best feeling in the world to know that he felt the same and the best day ever to know that

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