passing notes - lance

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(oof lance is prolly kinda ooc lololol i haven't played frlg in like 2 years so lolol)

It was almost inevitable that I would have Mr. Jones for math in my first year of high school. Mr. Jones isn't just your average math teacher, he's big and he's mean. I have never heard any nice things about Mr. Jones, only mean things have been said by his former students.
The only friend I have in that class is Lance, who also happens to be my longtime crush. Lance and I's friendship started in 2nd grade when he helped me with various math problems. Since then, Lance has been by my side. Lately, I have noticed him looking at other girls with a certain desire in his eyes. As much as it bothered me, I didn't say anything about it.
It was the first day of the second semester and as soon as I walked into Mr. Jone's classroom, I noticed the lack of decorations and felt unease. Across the room, I saw Lance sitting down with the seat next to him open. I smiled big and waved at him and he waved back. As I sat down in the seat next to him, he turned his head towards me.
"Hey! How's it going?" he asked, bubbly as ever.
"Yo! It's going uh, alright! I'm not excited about this class..." I laughed awkwardly at the end.
"Well, at least you get to sit next to me," he shrugged and then flashed another one of his famous smiles. I blushed and shrugged back.
"Well then, I guess it'll be ok," I smiled back and felt myself staring longingly into his onyx eyes; his glance was just too captivating to look away. He was staring back, but it wasn't awkward. Our little moment was broken by Mr. Jones entering the room.
"Good morning, class," the teacher said in a monotone voice. I turned around in my seat to face the board. I had a feeling that this class would be terrible but I tried my best to be optimistic.
During the lesson, I saw Lance slide me a piece of paper. I glanced over at him, but he was intent on looking at the board. I looked back to my desk at the folded paper. Curious to see what was written on it, I opened it up.
'Hey dummy, whatcha doing?' The note read. I giggled. As I thought about my response, I passed the note back.
'Nothing much, and you, Stupid?' Lance laughed.
"Is there a problem?" Mr. Jones asked. We were silent. "Alrighty then, let's continue with the lesson." Immediately after the teacher turned around, I turned to Lance and mouthed 'That was close!' He nodded in response and then started scribbling down on the paper. I watched closely as he etched words into the paper. Once he was done writing, he hesitated but decided to pass it over to me. As I opened the note, I looked over at Lance who was staring out of the window. A light blush dusted his cheeks which made me ponder what could be written on the paper. When I finished unraveling the paper I took a deep breath and read the note.
'You look really nice today ;-)' Lance thought I looked nice? That was almost somehow unfortunate; I didn't put as much effort into my looks today as I usually did. I started to scribble on the small sheet of paper.
'Thank you! Honestly, I didn't put much care into my looks today, but I'm glad you think so :-)' I passed the note back to Lance who was focused on the lesson. It took him a minute to open it, and I saw him smile as he read it. I was too focused on what the teacher was saying to notice that he had passed it back. Lance tapped me on the shoulder twice to grab my attention and I read the note.
'I think you always look lovely. You don't need to dress up or wear makeup to be beautiful.' Now, this was real flattery. I blushed as I read the sweet message from my friend. I turned to look at him, but he was too focused to notice me. A grin crept its way onto my face as I wrote my response.
'You're such a sweetie, Lance. Thank you :-)' When I passed the note back, he opened it and started writing something right away. When he passed back, I unraveled it and read the contents.
'Meet me by the bathrooms. I'll leave now, leave a few minutes after me.' it read. Lance turned his head to me and nodded.
"Mr. Jones, may I please use the bathroom?" Lance called out.
"Yes, and raise your hand next time, please," the class laughed at Mr. Jone's response. I tried to hold my giggles in.
Once Lance left, the few minutes he asked me to wait felt like hours. I had my eyes on the clock, waiting for a few minutes to pass before I asked to go to the bathroom. This time, I knew to raise my hand so I wouldn't be humiliated as my crush was. When Mr. Jones called on me, I couldn't wait to leave.
"May I please go to the bathroom?" I asked, squirming in my seat.
"What's with you children and having to go?" he asked. "Yeah sure, I guess."
"Thank you!" I promptly replied and hurried out of my seat. When I got to the bathrooms, Lance was standing there patiently.
"What took you so long?" he asked as I approached him. I laughed.
"You said a few minutes, didn't you?" I questioned. He put his hand up to his chin.
"I guess I did," he answered, rubbing his red hair.
"So," I started, "why did you call me here?" He looked at me for a minute and deeply exhaled. He put his hands in the pockets of his sweatshirt and then looked me directly in the eyes.
"Y/N, I brought here because there's something very important that I have to tell you." I couldn't tell, but from where I was standing, it looked like Lance was now blushing. "I-I..." he started, "I really like you. I'm so glad to have you in my life." Lance got closer to me and gently grabbed my hand. I was blushing profusely by now.
"Lance, I don't know what to say besides I like you too and I have for a while." I responded, looking into his dark eyes.
"Now, I gotta get back to class," Lance said, breaking the moment, "or else the whole class will think that I just took the biggest dump of my life." I laughed at him and let go of his hand as he walked towards the classroom.
"I guess I'll see you in a minute," I waved at him and he shot me a finger gun and clicked his tongue. I giggled and waited around until he was well into the classroom. From there, I went back inside and took my seat. Mr. Jones didn't stop the lesson to acknowledge me, thank God.
When I got back to my seat, there was another not from Lance sitting on my desk. I smiled at him and opened it.
'I love you, Y/N' it said. I blushed instantly and wrote
'I love you too, Lance' and passed it back to Lance. He looked at me and made a heart with his hands. I returned the gesture and smiled. With Lance by my side, maybe this class wouldn't be too bad.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 13, 2022 ⏰

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