Chapter 2: Overprotective Godmom

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Tsunade cracked her knuckles. This was such a drag, but he was a rogue ninja then this had to be corrected. She was about to charge until she heard a plea.

"Please Tsunade-sama! Kaa-san wouldn't want this! Please don't hurt Kura-chan! He isn't even a shinobi! He's a tailed beast! The nine tails! Please, PLEASE don't hurt him. You'll just provoke him and get hurt! He can't be killed! He's not even fully here! I still have the seal, the 8 trigrams seal! See!" the boy lifted up his ANBU shirt to reveal the 8-trigrams seal. Still there, still in tact. "Besides, he's very friendly! He saved me! He wasn't in control of his own body when he killed my parents! He was under Madara's influence. The Sharingan was controlling him!"


Foul Language Warning

"Dammit, kid. We gotta work on you cracking under pressure." Kurama stated as he facepalmed. "Wait, did you say this man is really the Nine-Tailed Fox?" Tsunade asked and Naruto smiled embarrassedly as he rubbed the back of his head and nodded. "What the hell!" she yelled. By this time Shizune had already fixed the door. She was unexpectedly handy. No wonder Tsunade kept her around. "Wait, please. I need to tell you the whole story!" Naruto yelled. The Sannin put her fist down and pulled up a chair. "This better be good, runt, or I'm sending this bastard right back to hell." Naruto nodded and he and Kurama sat on their respective beds and Shizune pulled up a chair and sat in it.

"Okay, so when my parents died, Jiji, or Lord Third, took me to the orphanage." Naruto began and Tsunade nodded. "I remember speaking that over with him before I left. But how does that contribute to you hanging out with the Kyuubi?" she asked. Kurama had gotten so used to his real name that he cringed. "Firstly, he has a name. It's Kurama. Secondly, the people at the orphanage kicked me out several times and wouldn't feed me. They didn't even let me sleep on a real bed. I was forced to sleep on the floor and beg for food at Ichiraku's; the only place that would feed me. They abused me and threw me out all day, where I wandered the streets. I constantly got angry glares from the people, but didn't know that it was because of Kurama. I thought I had done something to them and felt guilty, so I tried to stay out of people's way. Of course with the busy streets that Konoha has, I ran into people sometimes. I would apologize but the never accepted it. They chased me down into alleyways and beat me until they thought I was dead. I never understood why I wasn't but it was Kurama healing me from the inside." Tsunade looked up at the red haired man with a look that signalized that she was thinking.

Naruto continued. "Pretty soon, the attacks got worse and worse. Jiji knew nothing about it, so even shinobi started to bring their kunai and shuriken to abuse me with. It even went as far as rape." he said, tears flowing slowly from his emotionless face. The story and the look on the boy's face were enough to make Shizune cry. Kurama was saddened already but didn't cry. He didn't show weakness like that. Tsunade was on the verge of tears as she listened to her godson's story. She thought he would be treated as a hero in the village. If she had known this would've happened, she would've stayed to raise him. But, of course, he wasn't done. "The thing that hurt me the most, though, was the names they would call me. I remember lying up at night just thinking if what they were saying was true. They would call me Demon, Hero Killer, Vile Witch, a piece of shit, a bitch, and that's not even a good piece of it. I remember trying to kill myself, too, but that never worked." Now Tsunade was crying. Crying, but still trying to hear everything possible.

Suddenly, the boy started to smile. "It happened for a good four years before I got knocked out so badly that I fell into the mindscape. That's where I met Kurama. He was a little mean at first, but I broke him down. He started to train me and teach me everything I need to know. Mathematics was the hardest. I even got Kyuubi Mode which is cool. I tested my power and he says that I'm powerful enough to hold up against 8-15 of the more mediocre of ANBU, but I think that's pretty strong. Stronger than I ever thought I'd be at this age. I mean, if I wanted to, I could skip the Academy and become a Jonin. The youngest in history. I mean, I'm only five. Kurama also taught me languages. Before, I didn't really know how to speak. Nobody ever taught me, so I didn't say much. I spoke mostly in gibberish beside the words that I picked up on the street. Ramen is still my favorite word. I learned that he could come out in human form, and he was my first friend. Now he's more like a father-figure. He's the only parent I've ever known. That's why I don't want you to hurt him." He wiped the tears that were drying up on his once emotionless face that now held a huge grin. He was happy. Genuinely happy. This made Kurama and Tsunade genuinely happy, which made Shizune genuinely happy.

Now everyone was happy.

There was a bit of silence after the story and Tsunade got up. "I have come to a decision," she began, "I will allow this man to look after you, but, after Shizune and my supervision." All three other people in the room were shocked. Did she just say what they thought she did? Naruto had to think about it for a second, did he want to not need to come with them or did he just need Kurama? It was a decision that needed time.

Tsunade could probably tell that he was thinking it over because she looked at him with understanding. Kurama on the other hand, did not approve of this idea. He knew that he had wraps over Naruto, and he didn't need any help. The kid was his kid and no one else's. He could take care of Naruto himself. He needed no help from a legendary sannin. All of these thoughts running through Kurama's head. Everyone can read his face and Tsunade was kind of hurt by the things that she read. After all she was the kid's God Mom and was in legal custody of him. Also if he left the village but he was with the legendary sannin he wouldn't get in trouble. It all worked out in her mind but not as much in Kurama's, that was something that they would have to fix.

Naruto was done thinking and had made up his mind. "I'll accept." he said, as if there was a professional trade and he was agreeing to the terms. This made Tsunade smile and Kurama deadpan. Dammit. the Bijuu thought. "Alright, it's settled. The new group is me, Shizune, Naruto, and Kurama who will go by Koran." Naruto smiled. He finally had a mom, er, god mom, but that still counted in his book. And that's all that mattered.

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Second chapter completed. Short chapter, but, it was a filler anyway. A very important filler at that. You should check out this book's twin story: Out of His Shadow. A story about Kakashi's son, Keisuke. It uploads on the same day every time so I call them twin books.


Ttyl my little readers.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 09, 2019 ⏰

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