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Everyone was gather together in a room called the 'White Room'

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Everyone was gather together in a room called the 'White Room'. The whole room was covered in white. Even the lights shined bright with a dim color of white. In the center of the room was a large white table where maps and charts scattered across the white colored wood. Everyone sat or stood by the wooden table. Everyone was too busy discussing to even notice Y/n and Namjoon's presence as they walked in. They were mostly arguing over something that Y/n couldn't quite hear until a man with creamy brown hair raised his voice loud enough for her to hear.

"My Prince I suggest we bring Taeyong what he wants! Give him Y/n we have her now! Let's just end this war already! It's been going far too long.And they capture nearly all the whole Kingdom including your comrades! It's pointless to keep on fighting this endless war!"

"I agree with Sir Mark, this war has gone far too long! We have her already just give him what he wants. It's best for the kingdom my prince!"

Seokjin turned his head towards a man with hair of baby pink. His outfit pure white with a silver sword on his waist, his eyes color of sky blue. Seokjin glared at the said man, his eyes boring straight towards his skull. Y/n was quite startled at his expression. She never have seen Seokjin so mad before. It was quite baffling to see a man who was usually so calm and mature like to look so furious and angry in a spilt second.

"No Kihyun! You guys really don't understand do you?! If Taeyong married Y/n he would be the ruler over the whole kingdom. Besides Y/n is my friend! I won't ever do that too her!" Seokjin shouted his beaming voice put a silence to everyone in the room. All eyes laid on the Prince and the baby pink hair boy who look stunned at Jin's response. Silence filled the air.

Until Namjoon coughed to show his presence. Everyone stare at him then at Y/n. The crowd grew more silent at her presence. Y/n however merely rolled her eyes placing her hands on her hips. She faced every single person in that room. She looked directly at them with her eyes burning with anger.

"Look here! I have a plan you better all listen!" She shouted, her arms now crossed over her chest. Namjoon's lips slowly curved into a smile watching everyone flabbergasted at her confidence. However, the boy with creamy brown hair stepped forward. His outfit was a white armor and a silver belt. The color of his eyes were just a normal color of brown.

"You do realize this war is because of you right?" His voice came out venomous with a hint of hatred in them.

The air grew more sickly silent. Y/n was stunned at his response. Yet, she was completely expecting it. Of course she was, he was the one suggesting to hand her over. So Y/n merely regained her posture, standing straight. Her eyes forward towards him, her arms crossed over her chest still. But that wasn't all, what was worse was she started walking straight towards him.

"Look here—Sir Mark, Yes I'm quite aware I'm the reason why there is a war in the first place. I'm the reason why you guys lost so many comrades along the way, including Prince Seokjin's friend Hoseok, however it was the Prince choice to not hand me over. Because the difference between you and him is this, he actually has friends."

Everyone gasped at her remark. Her snarky comment in that regard. Mark's eye flinched at her boldness and her snarky response. Y/n merely dusted the invisible dust in her dress with a blank expression before looking up at him.

"Also it's Noona to you, by the looks of it your younger than me. So address your elders correctly." She huffed before turning away towards Namjoon, who couldn't stop his smile from growing. Seokjin was trying his best to hold his laughter but failed miserably. The room was filled with his windshield laughter.

"Now would anyone else want to address the most obvious fact again? Or perhaps you all wanna hear what the person who started the war, plan is all about?"

No one said anything, afraid if they say something she'll use that against them. There was no point of arguing with her at this point.

"Good. Now here's my plan to stop this war."


Hoseok left the castle without being spotted

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Hoseok left the castle without being spotted. He sighed in relief once he pass the rosy red gates. Honestly they looked like the gates towards hell. Hoseok shivered at the bloody screams that was heard outside of the castle. He wasn't too worried about Yoongi being there. Yoongi was able to transport anywhere he pleases, but only if he's been or since that area otherwise he can't entered. Which is why both sides of the war want the Dark & Wild area. If one side had the Dark & Wild area, then the war would either turn for the better or for the worse.

"Right I bet-" Cluttering of chains stopped him in mid air. He jumped at the sudden sounds, whirling his head to met an old shack just right outside the hellish gates. Hoseok clutched his hat that was rested on the his cherry hair. His fingers grasping the fabric as he slowly yet shakily walked towards the shack.

He was betting it was one of the many creatures Taeyong had stole over the years. As he used them against everyone. Abusing them in such a way that allowed them to become much more aggressive than they already were. Hoseok wasn't going to allow that any longer.

His heart was pounding against his chest in fear. But he continued to walk with his shaky legs. It was quite frightening as the closer he got, the louder the cluttering and crashing noises grew. Roars were being heard in the old worn shack.

Hoseok jumped at the sudden noise gripping the edge of his hat tighter, as he finally stopped at the broken yet stable door. His shaky fingers turned the knob, gulping down his saliva that was stuck in his throat. He slowly opened the door, peeking his head inside. His chocolate eyes widen in fear seeing what was inside.

A brown colored wolf hybrid, with black dots among the fur. It's muzzle was covered with a black belt, it's enormously brown ears pinned towards its head as it tried to escape the chains grasp among its legs. Its tail suddenly tensed up, its eyes opening up showing its black orbs. It's large ears placed on its head, pinned backwards. It couldn't growl, but by the looks of it, it seem angry. Hoseok smiled at the creature, his eyes softened at the creature. He knew exactly who's animal this was. He placed his black colored hat on the floor to reassure the animal that he means no harm.

"Calm down there boy. It's alright. I won't hurt you. In fact I'll set you free. I'm sure you miss your owner don't ya Shooky?"

Edited: 1/16/22

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