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I have dreamed of you,
my knight in light blue metal.
Glowing in the sun and saving me~

The first letter made Wonpil flush a bright red, by the twentieth he got used to the flirty, beautiful words in Sunjins letters. He wasn't really sure if he was in love yet, but those wonderful poems awoke unknown feelings in him and when he read over them at night, a lovely red blush always covered his face. He wished to reply, but whenever he sat down and started thinking about what to write, his sadness about his lost love and the responsibilty he was carrying overwhelmed him. It was good that he had Jae to write bashful, lovely responses to the Generals poems. Maybe he could actually be at the receiving end of love and affection for once. His parents were to busy to care for him properly and siblings he had none. He grew up surrounded by the roses in their gardens. But ever since that beautiful day 7 years ago, he avoided the green paradise like the plaque. He didn't want to be reminded of the first man he fell for, the one left him after the meeting with the king was over.

This is a little bit shorter, I apologise. I hope you still liked this :)
Love F.🖤

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 20, 2019 ⏰

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