chapter 4

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Author's note: Am sorry guys for updating so late, i have school so am really busy but i have a little time now so I'll update, this story isn't actually very long ^^ Hope you are liking it :)

She finally found something that looked like what she was looking for....

She found a book some kind of a memoir called '' Ad tertium dicendum quod spiritus, ut opinor summovet'' which means ''Spells to make bad spirits banish''

The girl was very noble so before she left the shop with the book,she payed for it by leaving the money at the register, since the vendor wasn't there she just left the money...

When she got home she started to translate the book since it was in latin.Until she finally found a spell that said Hoc mali spiritus, si vis ut a mundo, sic dico, quod non est aliud, verba nocere: nunc imminens omnibus iniquitatibus tuis, vadam diaboli digna non abire hic, ut de! Now!. Which means If you want to make this evil spirit banish from this world, so that it doesn't hurt anyone else then say this words: ''All of your evil doings will be over now, go away devil, go away, you don't deserve to be here, get out! Now!''

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