Chapter 1: First Day of school

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I heard one of my brothers screaming towards my room and opened my door, shaking me to wake me up. I opened my eyes and I saw Jungkook

"Wake up!Wake up!" Jungkook yelling

"Don't yell at me" I said yelling back

"Sorry" he said

"What's the commotion?" I said with sleepy voice

"Oh, It's first day of school" he said

" WHAT?! what time is it?"

" Well it's almost 7 am"

" Ok. I still have an hour to get ready so now leave my room and let me get ready"

" Ok sis get ready and go down stairs, breakfast is ready..." He said walking out my room.

After getting ready, go down stairs and saw my brothers eating and I joined

"Good morning" BTS said
"Good Morning my handsome brothers" I said smiling towards them and after we finished eating, we went to our school riding 3 different cars.

On the first car where I was, there are Jungkookie oppa driving and Jimin oppa, second car has Namjoon oppa, Yoongi oppa, and Hoseok oppa was driving, and the third car was being drove by Seokjinie oppa with Taehyung oppa.

I left the house wearing this cause I found it cute.

We reached the school and after they parkes the car outside the school we get out of the cars, and I heard the girls screaming and fangirling over my brothers and all the attention was on us

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We reached the school and after they parkes the car outside the school we get out of the cars, and I heard the girls screaming and fangirling over my brothers and all the attention was on us. Then some random boys saw me and saying like pretty or what-so-ever and my brothers heard it.

" Hey, stop talking to our sister like that, or else, you don't even wanna know" They said and made the boy scared.
We went to our lockers, and our lockers was next to each other. We put our stuffs like book papers and other materials to our bag, and we went to our classrooms since we are not at the same age we went to different classrooms.

The class started and we introduce ourselves in front of the class then it's my turn.
"Hi everyone my name is Y/n"
"Ok thank you Y/n, take your seat, you can seat anywhere you want" the teacher said.

Just 10 mins ago while at the locker my brother told that I can't seat anywhere near at guys.

"Y/n listen to me. Don't you ever dare to seat next to a boy, Understand?" Yoongi oppa said
" Yes, sure" I said
"Now you can go to your classroom" BTS said

~end of flashback~

I sat next to a girl and next to a window and the girl was so gorgeous, then just a minute past the girl turn to my side.
"Hey what's your name?" She asked with a smile

" Umm... its y/n, and you?" You said

" Oh its Lisa, and your name is kinda familiar, are you the girl with boys earlier?" She said

" So you know my brothers huh?"

" Actually I know them by their names but I don't really know who they are, I just know them because of my friends Jennie, Rose and Jisoo" she said

" Oh, okay, do you have interest on my brothers?" I asked

" No, do you think we are just using you to get close to them?"

"N-no that's not what I meant, Its just all the girls in this school likes them a lot" I said

" Don't worry It's ok, we really want you to be our friend" she said with a friendly tone.
And after some classes it's break time and my brothers are waiting for me outside the door of my classroom.

"Y/n faster I am hungry" Jin oppa said
"Me too" Hoseok oppa said
"Also us" the rest of them said to me
Than I left the classroom with them we ate our packed lunch Jin oppa made earlier for us, after we eat that are some girls went to our table.
" Oppas can we take a picture with you?" The girls said in a nice way
" Oh sure, but who's gonna take the picture?" BTS said
"I will do it" you said
"Hana, dul, set"
" Gamsahamnida" the girls said to me and to my brothers.
" It's no big deal" BTS said

We left the canteen and going to the lockers the boys took their things before lunch while waiting for me so I am the one who's only going to get my things.

"Oh oppa, I have to get my stuff into the locker."I said
"Ok don't take it too long" they said with a smile in their faces.

I went to my locker and get the thing I need and put it in my bag after that I was about to close my locker when someone slam it, I turned around and saw three girls.

" Oh hello dear" the girl in the middle said.
" Who are you guys?" I asked
" You don't have to know it, just stay away from BTS." They said
"How can I? I live with them." I said
"Just stay away from them" The girl in the right was about to slap me, I shut my eyes but I didn't feel anything. And I opened my eyes and I saw...

....................To be continued....................

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