Chapter 16

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Y/n's POV

Yesterday our parents came just to say that I am taking over of one of our biggest companies and to tell Jimin oppa will be married any time soon with the unknown women.

Jungkook: y/n!!  Are you awake?!!!

Y/n: Yesss! Now stop shouting

Jungkook: ok get ready but you are not going to school today

Y/n: what?why?

Jungkook: Jimin hyung told us that you almost killed someone yesterday that almost killed you before

Y/n: Well we're fair now, and friends again

Jungkook: idc if you are friends now, still you are not going to school

Y/n: why do I need to get ready

Jungkook: about that, you will be taught on how to run our company

Y/n: oh okay, let me get ready

He nodded and left me. Ugh, Jimin oppa why do you have to tell them. That's why I have some trust issues.

I did my morning routine and get dressed for this work. I don't need to wear something elegant today cause I am going to my very own company.

 I don't need to wear something elegant today cause I am going to my very own company

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After dressing up, I went downstairs and...

Jin: Sweetie, is it really true that you almost ki-

Y/n: yes, yes!

Hoseok: Why is that so?

Taehyung: do you really have to do that?

Y/n: so basically she did it first, And Kai the one you asked to look for me didn't help me, he also shouted at me and-

Yoongi: wait he shouted at you?!!!

Y/n: yes oppa but calm your nerves and don't kill him

Yoongi: I will really kill him

Y/n: you may, after I finished talking, He took her to the clinic and Idc, so I planned something... something that can kill her, and what happened yesterday was my plan

Namjoon: you know what, you're really crazy

Y/n: no I am not, it is what you call "self defense", since we are done talking I'll go now...

Jin: bye sweetheart, be safe

Y/n: byeeee, I will

I left the house and went to my car and drove to my company. I am not sure for what will happen if I run this company. I hope I won't upset my parents.


"How can this building be so big?" I said to myself

While looking at this building, my knees are shaking. Questions are drooling over my thoughts. What if I make my upset? Can I run this company? Will I succeed? What if I will be a bad boss? As you all know my sass is still in me. I am not a princess, except for my brothers.

I hope I will make my family proud. I entered the building and first thing I heard is...

"Good morning miss Y/n, your Trainor is already at your dad's office" the girl said who looks like my dad's secretary I think.

I think I am gonna faint. I really hate being in our buildings. Why their eyes are all on me?

"Miss Y/n this way please..." She pointed at the CEO's office

"I will go there alone, You can go back to your work now, thanks" I smiled at her and she smiled back then she left

But before I can get inside there is a janitress from the meeting room I think,she really looks so pretty so before I went inside the CEO's office I went to her and ask her something.

"Hi, I'm Y/n, soon to be CEO, I just wanted to ask you something, can I?" I asked her and SHE BOWED?

"what is that for?" I asked as I looked at her

"Sorry miss I didn't recognized you"

"It's fine, so can I?"

"Sure miss, what is it?"

"What is your dream job?"

"Actually I wanted to be a photographer but I landed on being a janitress but I don't hate my job at all" she said with a little bit of smile on her face

"Then, can I have your number, I am just gonna call if I already talk to my modeling agency, I will ask them if they need another photographer" I said smiling at her

"You don't have to do that miss"

"And please, I want you to be my photographer for my next photoshoot okay, byee" I left as soon as I got her number cause I know she will refuse but I forgot to ask her name why so stupid y/n

I entered my dad's office as I saw him sitting in his comfortable seat. Can't you believe me?, I entered without knocking.

"Dad I'm here...."

"Oh, sit down I'll call your trainer"

He held his phone and texted someone and we waited for only two minutes and HE came. And HE is... Song Daniel my ex-ultimate crush

.......................To be continued.....................

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