Chapter 11

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I stared out in front of me as my sister slowly pushed my wheelchair around the gardens in front of the hospital. My thumbs sat in my lap battling each other as I bit down on my bottom lip. "He should be here soon," my sister said softly. 

We continued around the garden my gaze passing over all the flowers that sat in full bloom, "I know, I just wish I knew what was happening with Noah," I said with a sigh. My sister sighed as she pushed me next to a bench and she sat down beside me, "Evan, you need to stop worrying about him, he'll be fine, he got off much lighter than you".

I looked up at the sound of footsteps coming towards us and smiled lightly as my father approached us with a weary smile on his face. He wore faded jeans and a scruffy band shirt, it had always been his style. "Sorry I'm late," he muttered, "Traffic was crazy". 

He sat next to my sister and looked at both of us with a sincere smile a wall of silence filled the air "How are you both?" he sighed. Ellie looked at him incredulously and scoffed, she leant over and kissed my cheek "I need coffee" she muttered and then walked away, leaving me alone with my father.

We both smiled meekly at each other as we sat in silence. I looked away, my eyes wandering the gardens and I began biting into my bottom lip. My Dad coughed lightly, bringing my attention back over to him as he shifted uncomfortably on the bench. "I'm sorry Evan," he said quietly looking down at his hands. "For what?" I asked. 

He looked up at me, tears filling his eyes, "For kicking you out, not accepting you, everything I did that was wrong" the tears began to spill down his cheeks. I felt my own eyes start to sting and fill as I looked at him "It's okay" I spoke softly, and he shook his head "no it's not, I treated you like dirt Evan, you're my son and I love you," he wiped at his eyes "I just wish it hadn't taken your near death to make me realise that."

I smiled lightly at my dad, the salty, hot tears streaming down my face "It's okay dad, you're here now." I said softly before yawning, I'd only been awake for a few hours and I was feeling tired already. My dad gave me a small smile "we should really get you back to bed, you're obviously tired" he said with a sigh. 

I smiled up at him before looking back down at my lap "Thanks Dad" I said. He stepped behind me and began to push me slowly through the gardens of the hospital, back towards my room.


Can you believe it?! Finally an update!

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