Chapter 24

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A dusky sky adjourned by the heavens diamonds stretched from one side of the vista to the other, hinting the living creatures on earth that the twilight would come soon. The fresh scent of the sea breezed containing a crisp chill, but Rainie was only vaguely aware of her surroundings.

She was unaware for almost everything as she walking down with Draven's hand tucked in hers. His touch, his presence were un-sensitizing all of her senses. Rainie was wrapped in bubbling happiness and determined to make this a fulfilled and wonderful night she ought to always remember no matter what happened in the past and in the future also.

Oh, yes she felt as much as close as being wonderful. Everything was seemingly almost perfect. Her appearance was flawless from head to toe. It was almost surreal for her. However, though the make-up, the dress indeed enhanced her beauty, it wasn't her appearance at that made her so wonderful. It wasn't the sparkling jewelries that made this feeling so magical.

It was a man who was holding her hand that made everything so enchanting. But, his warm hand assured her that it was real after all.

Somehow, in between reality and dream, Rainie's brain was still functioning to remember a quote she had read somewhere before. It had been written by Saint Lauren and it had been stated that the most beautiful clothes that a woman could wear were the arms of the man she loved.

Well, Rainie did not know how to describe the last part, regarding the man she loved. However, generally the quote was correct. She felt wonderful and beautifully clothed because of Draven and yet there was a slight of wariness somewhere in the darkness of her heart.

"How are you feeling?" He asked softly, the shining in his eyes melted against the dim illumination around them.

"Oh, I'm good." Her voice sounded breathless, even to her, and as she lifted her gaze to him, she was drowned in their depths. "Actually I feel wonderful."

A smiled played at the corner of his sculpted mouth. There was the mixed look of amusement and bemusement in his dark eyes. "I'm glad that you feel wonderful." He murmured. His deep accent making her insides quiver. "And you're wonderful, Rainie...Really look wonderful this evening."

"Thank you." She said and stared at his fantastic dark eyes which did not waver from her face. "It's all because of you." The words came from her mouth before she could stop them. "You're the one that makes things so wonderful and..." She cut off dead, biting her lip. "I mean you're such a kind person." She made a face. "Anyway..." She swallowed. "Because of you that I feel...Um...Eerrr... wonderful." Hastily, Rainie rolled her eyes in embarrassment at behaving like an idiot.

The trouble with her was, she always suddenly lost for words in front of him. Well, if it was not word she lost, it was her sanity, or her senses.

Draven halted, tugging her hand lightly to make her to stop also. His other hand lifted. Fingers gently touched her cheek as a brisk breeze whipped a curl across her face. He then tucked it around her ear. "You don't have to say anything." He told her softly. "Though, I've to admit that I'm glad you told me those things." He leaned forward and kissed her on her forehead. "The feeling is mutual."

Rainie gave a wide smile as Draven drew back and met her eyes with such tenderness that made the happiness refilled her like a warm balloon and she started floating up from the ground. Too much analogy, she knew but it was exactly how she felt. Especially when he lowered his mouth to brush hers lightly, lingeringly. Then he drew back, nodding towards the venue where the party was held.

"Let's go." Said Draven, the half smile at his mouth reappeared and honestly that was one of the cause Rainie lost her senses.

Rainie nodded gently. "Yes. Let's." She said, tapering her hand on his.

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