04 | Hybrid

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Penny gets into the three-seater gyrosphere and ends up sitting in the middle, with Zach on her left and Gray on her right. The control stick is in between her and Zach, and as he takes control his fingers brush over Penny's exposed skin on her thigh, making her shiver at his touch. He smiles when he notices this action, but looks out the other direction so she doesn't see his smirk. Penny crosses her legs to avoid contact with his hand as they near the dinosaurs. A video of Jimmy Fallon in a lab coat plays, showing how secure the gyrosphere is even if he messes up the stuff he has to do.

"Where are they?" Zach asks as they look around for the large animals.

"Man." Gray says as the dinosaurs come into sight. Zach maneuvers the gyrosphere between the dinosaurs. Penny smiles and looks over at Zach, who seems to be having a good time.

An automated voice disrupts their happiness. "Due to technical difficulties all our exhibits are now closed. Please disembark all rides and return to the resort." Penny frowns, and as does Gray when he huffs out in annoyance.

Zach merrily shrugs as a smirk takes over his features. "Come on, we can stay out a couple more minutes."

"But they said it was closed." Gray protests.

Penny shakes her head. "Yeah, Zach. We have to go back."

"Aunt Claire gave us special wristbands, right? We're VIP, dude. Come on, it'll be fun."

"I'm not a VIP, Zach. I don't have a special wristband." Penny says, grabbing onto his hand on the joystick in between them.

Zach glances down at their hands before speaking. "But you're with us." He slips his hand out from under hers and puts it down on top of hers, keeping her hand under his as they maneuver through the grassy fields. Gray smirks at Penny, and the blonde girl blushes.

Zach's phone goes off, startling Penny who jumps in her seat. Zach removes his hand from her own to answer the call. "Hey Claire," He greets, but then a small frown overtakes his face. "I can't really hear you. We're in the hamster ball."

"Gyrosphere." Penny corrects, earning a short glare from Zach.

"Hello?" Zach says, but he doesn't hear a respond so he hangs up, shrugging.

"Maybe she was calling you because we have to go back." Penny suggests as they continue to roam around.

"No, we're fine." He looks to the uneasy girl beside him. "Penny, relax, it'll be fun."

Penny looks to the younger brother, who simply shrugs, and turns to look back out at the dinosaurs.

Zach continues to move the gyrosphere, until they come across a break in the fence. "What happened here?" He asks more to himself. "Dude, off road."

Gray shakes his head. "But they told us to go back."

Zach sighs. "I'm just worried that the both of you aren't getting the full Jurassic World experience." He grabs the control stick and moves them slowly to the break in the fence, grinning when neither Penny nor Gray tell him to stop.

As Zach gets them even closer to the dense tree line, Gray starts to freak out a little. "No, no. Bad idea, bad idea." Gray repeats.

Zach ignores his brother's worriness. "Great idea."

Penny rolls her eyes at Zach and grabs onto the joystick, moving it so they'd move towards the fence, but to no avail as Zach keeps a tight grip on it so they won't move. "Zach, let go."

Zach doesn't listen to the girl. "You need to relax, Penny. Nothing bad's gonna happen." He assures her.

Gray grabs onto Penny's right arm tightly. "No! We're gonna get arrested. They'll shave our heads and we're gonna have to make root beer in the toilet!" He exclaims loudly.

Happy Endings / 𝐳. 𝐦𝐢𝐭𝐜𝐡𝐞𝐥𝐥Where stories live. Discover now