Chapter 4: Dear Jimmy

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Was this it then? How could it be possible, after all these years? He just wants answers. Something to clarify the jagged outline of the puzzle plaguing him night and fucking day.

Balancing the notebook on his knees, he grips the pencil so tight, the sharp point of lead snaps and goes spinning across the page.


Sometimes when it happens, it's like running face first into a brick wall.

The outline was there in his brain, a lost memory he never knew he needed to find. Now, with the story she offers, the paintbrush in his head goes crazy, spilling out the colors of an icy, destructive night in Paris. Memories return, a blizzard of blurry faces and voices crackling like radio static.

Black-gloved fingers moving effortlessly over ivory keys. 10, 9, 8. Sparkling people and fizzy champagne. 7, 6, 5. Excited screaming. 4, 3, 2. Beautiful eyes, watching him from across the room. 1. Confetti and balloons bouncing. Screaming. Screaming. More screaming. Terrified screaming. Blood on his fingers, soaking into crisp white cuffs. Slipping like a shadow from a locked room. Stalking through the streets of Paris, heading back to base, until, until, until. The detour. Green paint on her walls, an open window with fluttering curtains. A trembling body dressed in satin and lace. Pleasure. Force. Rough hands, rough words. The feel of her clinging to him like he meant something. Like she wanted him. Heat licking up his spine, heat between her legs, heat in her mouth. And then tears. Sadness. Disappointment. Always, disappointment.

He remains frozen in shock, until he finds his voice. He jumps to his feet.

"Jesus," he chokes out. He drags shaking hands through his hair and the wild tangles snag around his fingers. "Jesus. Did I - I rapedyou? Oh, my fucking god, fuck. I'm sorry, I'm so sorry, I'm so fucking sorry, I don't – "

He falls mute. The apology sits heavy on his tongue and he wants to apologize for an eternity, but this is not for him to be upset. He's not owed the relief of tears: those are reserved for victims, not criminals. Instead, he remains silent, awaiting the condemnation he deserves.

But to his disbelief, it doesn't come.

"No! God, no, that's not what I'm saying," and now she stands up, trying to assuage his horror. "You didn't, that's not what happened."

"Sure sounds like it was," Bucky grits out. His hands are clenched at his sides and a faint whirring creeps from his arm when it recalibrates, a physical representation of his panic.

"No," she repeats forcefully. "Listen to me. That is not what happened. You didn't, you don't understand, I wanted – "

She stops in frustrated confusion.

"Still, I – "

"Bu – sorry, Soldier – "

Apologies collide, and both fall silent. Bucky tries first and his voice is quiet.

"Bucky. Please. My name is Bucky."

Wetting her lips nervously, she tests the syllables on her tongue.

"Bucky," she begins, embarrassed. "Listen to me. I hadn't been with anyone that way for a long time. I wanted - that. I wanted you. That night, I wanted you."

Bucky stuffs his hands in the pockets of the sweatpants and stares at his socks. They don't match, and he wonders fleetingly where all the socks in his dryer go. He wiggles his toes as he thinks.

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