Chapter Five

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A/N: Forgot the original author's note ugh (don't worry, after the next chapter this will leave all my author's notes) I like this chapter i think i dont remember writing it/what's it for because lol i just haven't read it for awhile and yeah. Also, I was high. I think...

Harry waited for a reply but never got one. Oh well, he thought, logging out of facebook, It was a nice chat. And it was a nice chat. Louis had made Harry smile almost every time he replied. And now that he was laid off from Cheshire, as horrible as that sounded, Harry was almost ecstatic. That meant there was more of a chance with the ex-drama teacher. He liked it that way.

Since he had left Niall's house, he had called his sister to pick him back up. She didn't mind and kind of kept her mouth shut, which was a change for once. The only time they really talked was when she pulled up to the curb.

“This isn't Niall's house,” she had complained.

“No, it's two blocks away,” Harry had agreed.

“Is everything alright?” Gemma had questioned.

“Yeah, everything's fine,” Harry had reassured her as he opened the car door and slid in.

Now, back at home, things were a little bit better. He had messaged Louis, which he guessed was a success. Maybe they had some type of relationship. Harry couldn't tell if they were becoming friends or just acquaintances, but he didn't really mind being in the phase he was with Louis. It was kind of peaceful and easy.

Now it wasn't time to worry about the gardener, though. Now it was time to focus on sneaking out of the house for a party. His mood has certainly increased since he had left Niall's and he had had a quick chat with another friend he had, Zayn, who was always in the parties and had school gossip. There was going to be a party on the street over with alcohol and Harry was intent on going to it. He had only snuck out once or twice, but each time it had been so much fun and adrenaline-pumping.

Hours past as Harry cleaned the house and tried to make it seem like he was having an early night. His mum and Robin had came home with pizza for dinner and they all sat down and ate a slice. Everyone went back for seconds (except Harry) and Robin turned on some movie.

“What is this?” Harry asked. Now was his chance...

“Some new film that just came out. It's supposed to be funny,” his mum answered, cuddling against Robin and looking at Harry.

“I don't think I'm up for watching movies tonight.” Harry checked the clock. Eight. Perfect time to get away. “I think I'm just going to go to bed.”

“Are you feeling fine?”

“Just a little hot.”

“Come here and let me feel your face,” his mum insisted. He waved his hand at her, but she looked at him with her stern eyes. “Come here, Harry. Let me feel your face.” Each word that came out of her mouth sounded like one sentence and Harry realised he had to play her game in order to get away clean.

He walked to her and bent over so she could feel his temperature. “I'm fine, mum,” he groaned as she rested a hand on his cheek.

“You're right. You're just fine. Don't know what you mean you're feeling a little hot. There's nothing wrong with you.”

“I just don't want to watch the movie is all,” he replied, looking down at his feet.

“Then run upstairs and go to bed. You don't have to watch the movie.”

Harry took that as his get out of jail free card and ran upstairs, making no effort to hide his excitement. Maybe he should have, but he wasn't necessarily thinking well at that moment. It was only eight, after all, so the party wasn't going to start for another two hours, but he needed to message Niall and figure out what he was going to do. He kicked his shoes off and set them behind the door before pressing the spacebar on his computer. It didn't react.

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