11:Battels and Tears

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"Who the fuck brought you back?" Maddy hisses seeing her uncle sat in her room

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"Who the fuck brought you back?" Maddy hisses seeing her uncle sat in her room. She isn't going to question how. "Your little sister." He answers before getting back on topic.

"Where's Jackson?"
"Not telling you,even if I knew." Placing her bag on the floor she goes to open her window. "Get out."

"Now,lying I understand. But you're going to kick your mom's favourite brother out?" Yeah,not today Satan. "She gave me up, because my dad was human. Excuse me if I'm not like her." With a sigh she motions for the window .

"That's the cover story,Sweetheart. You're mom gave you up because Talia told her to do so. Annie forgot your existence. Blame Derek's mom." Peter shocks her and she's not even sure of how she's meant to react.

"Forget Annie,you asked about Jackson and that's enough for me to kick you out."


"Hey,I didn't think you'd be here." Jackson tells Maddy as the team walks out. "Why? Because you've been blowing me off? Scott said Gerard was Controlling you." And she had to see him.

"Sorry,I don't want to bother you." And for the second time that semester,he notices her playing with a lace on her neck. "You did tell me to fuck off."

"I was angry." After finding out everything, she was angry and told Jackson to fuck off and well he did just that. "Yeah,I know." He's left so many messages.

"I'm sorry too,but I brought t-"

"Jackson!" Coach calls him over and Maddy scowls. "Look,I have a bad feeling about tonight. Stay away from me for your safety." He reminds her before quickly kissing the teen. "Remember that Im so in love with you."He says and jogs off.

"Jackass!" She yells after him,he makes it sound like he's dying and she hates that so much."oh and I love you too." She whispers,knowing he cannot hear her. Or maybe he can.

"Come on,lets go." Lydia comes and drags her. They haven't really spoken and this shocks Maddy. "What? You've not said a word to me in days."

"Doesn't mean I hate you,I'm no longer angry. Bringing back your dead uncle ticked me off." Oh right,Peter.

"I hate that man."


The majority of the lacrosse game was normal. Maddy watched Jackson as she always did and did notice he seemed a bit off. She sat on the bench with Scott when the Coach called her.

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