Chapter 3 Proof #1?

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       It has been almost a week, since Nino first told his friends that he knows the identity of Chat Noir only to have them laugh at him.  Well, he would show them!  He was sure of it.  Now, only he needs is real solid proof.  The thing is where is  he to start?  He decides to begin at the at the place that makes the most sense.  The beginning, ha that is it!  He feels like a genius who has won a noble prize, or the lady who just won the lottery last week!  

      When school lets, out this time Nino is ready as he ever will be!  He has solid proof now. He has security footage of the recent battle between Ladybug and Chat Noir!  What better proof could a guy ask for then this?  He can not wait to share the news with the others.

      "Guys, guess what?" Nino says.

    "What Nino?"  Alya ask.

   "Yeah, man!  What is your so worked up about this time?"  Adrien ask.

   "Come on just tell us already!"  Marinette says.

  "I have some proof. " Nino says.

 "Proof of what?" Alya ask.

 "Proof about our private discussion from last week." Nino says.

 "Okay, then!  Let's see your so called proof!"  Adrien says.

"Yes, we all want to see it!"  Marinette and Alya says at the same time.

 "Here, see !"  Nino shows them the video footage on his phone. 

  "See here this is from Ladybug and Chat's latest victory! " Nino says.

  "Yes, so when saw that on the ladyblog!"  Marinette says.

  "This proves nothing!" Alya says.

"Oh, yeah it does so!" Nino says.

"How?"  Adrien ask.

"Well, my friend it proves that I am right about who Chat is!  It shows Chat as he runs off and well he has this certain smile that is one seen by one of us on a daily basis!"  Nino says.

 "I would hardly call that proof, Nino!" Alya says.

 "Try better, next time!"  Marinette says.

 "I have to agree with the girls on this one!"  Adrien says.

"Oh, yeah!  Well, just you wait, I will show you all soon enough! " Nino says.

"Mark my words, I  will show soon enough I am right." Nino insist.

"Nice try, man!"  Adrien says.

  Adrien grins at them all as he waves bye.  He gets inside the limo and Nino takes his photo. Now, has something to compare Chat's grin too!  He will be able to show them soon enough.

  Nino rushes home in a hurry. He puts the photo of Adrien Agreste with the cheesy grin into a face match system.  The computer shows others photos of Adrien Agreste, along with a few photo shots of Chat!  He takes a closer look. The system says, "Chances of  Adrien being a  match for Chat Noir at 98%!"  Ha, I knew it!  He thinks.  This  is even better proof than before.

   to be continued in Chapter 4  Nino  Sees His Proof?  

Nino's Theory AU by Summer ChengWhere stories live. Discover now