Panting... Run.. Just keep running until you can't. Zoey was running away from something in the North clan territory, well she thought she was in the North clan territory after all. Zoeys thoughts filled her head, What if it captures me and there is nobody to take care of Kyro..? No, Zoey.. just keep running. Zoey heard a pup's scream, Her instinct was to look, she stopped running, There was a little French Bulldog puppy being squashed underneath a large fallen tree branch, that thing Zoey was running away from was coming, but Zoey knew she had to save the pup, Zoey strained and strained pushing and scratching, until she set the pup free. Zoey picked up the pup and began running, whatever this thing she was running from wanted blood. Zoey got to a large clearing, no beast in sight, Zoey sat down the pup, "What is your name" the pup stammered, "I..I am Khaleesi" Zoey looked at the pup contently, "How did you get stuck under the branch" the pup looked around for a second, "I mustn't say" Zoey tilted her head, "What might you mean by that?" The pup shook, "Now I must be on my way" Zoey growled "Your going nowhere, your coming back to my clan's base, and you will tell my leader what that beast that was chasing me wanted" Zoey picked up the pup once again, finally getting on the river bed, noticing, she's on the south clans territory and this pup belonged to the south clan, it must have been looking for food, ventured out and got almost squashed by that tree branch. Zoey darted, pup in mouth, across the river and back into her clan's territory, she would journey to the base camp and bring the pup to Mousse.
The journey to Alberta
AdventureTwo clans fight for game in their territories, as loners steal one clans food, forests are burning in the area, the clans and the loners make a long journey to Alberta, just because Timber was looking out for his clan.