Chapter 7. Class class class

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You two walked into class to find some students already there

You suddenly heard a female voice speak

"Hey Y/N-chan!"

You look over to see Uraraka talking with Deku and a tall dark blue haired male with thin glasses looking over at you and Todoroki

You waved

"Hey Uraraka-san!"

You smiled walking over, Todoroki walked behind you with his same old serious face

She pointed to the boys behind her

"I'm sure you've meet Deku-Kun and Iida-Kun before, right?"

"Um, no not really"

The tall one walked up

"I am Iida Tenya, pleasure meeting you"

He gave a bow showing his respect as the other boy stepped forward

"I-im Midoriya I-izuku"

He gave a weak but fast bow and spoke in a timid tone that you were barely able to hear

"It's nice meeting you both, I'm F/N L/N"

You all kept talking but Todoroki stood silent, looking away. Soon enough you noticed his action and asked

"Hey, are you alright?"

He gave a nod and said glancing at you

"I'm not the person that socializes much"

"Oh I see, my apologies"

He shook his head accepting the apology

Iida suddenly spoke

"It's almost time for class to begin! We should take our seats!"

And so you all did and class begun shortly


You walked back to class now after lunch. You had been invited to sit with the trio including a girl named Tsuyu Asui but prefer to be called "Tsu". Instead you sat with Todoroki, he still didn't speak much but opened up a few times. You were glad that you were starting to meet new people and learn about them.


You now sat down with the rest of your class waiting for Hero Basic training to start.

You spoke in your head,

'Today we actually get to start hero training! I'm excited!'

Suddenly you heard a door slide open and Izuku gasp

"I am.."

A very tall and muscular figure stepped into the doorway holding onto the door frame. He spoke in a deep, gruff, but hero type of voice and had a shadded face


It was All Might! Number one pro hero!

Everyone whispered with excitement as he walked to the podium with pride

"Yes, I teach Hero Basic Training. This subject contains different ways on you to become a hero."

"Now students, we'll be working today on some.."

He did a dramatic pause


You heard a few classmates whisper again with excitement

"And to tag along, they're these!"

He pointed at a wall of which four columns of cases with printed numbers stook out

"Costumes to go along with your quirk registrations!"

Many awed at the sight, including you

All Might then explained what to do until you all meet up at the battle area. So you did as you were told, get your hero costume case and go to the locker rooms to suit up

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