Beck x Reader Part II

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It was lunchtime at Hollywood Arts, recently as Beck and Jade rebuilt their friendship the harmony within the group began to restore. Robbie continued to describe to the group how the rash on his back had slowly started to spread, but was stopped mid description as Jade tossed a lettuce leaf in his direction, as a reminder she was eating. Beck lightened the mood by reminding the gang that tonight was the first shooting of his first ever movie. You were apart of it, cast as the main role by Beck himself.
(Y/N's POV)
I was super excited for tonight, my first casting in an actual movie! I guess Beck believed in me. Despite the overwhelming cocktail of nerves and excitement for the nights events, something was building, another emotion cocktail, except this one wasn't pleasant. Lust, butterflies, guilt, desire, need. All because of Beck Oliver. I was sure the crush would pass, but it didn't, I wanted to ignore it, Beck is Jade's ex boyfriend... and Jade is someone who managed to knockdown her guard in the name of our friendship, it was all getting too much, I was growing impatient, I just wished Beck Oliver would hurry up and leave my thoughts alone. I couldn't keep it a secret any longer, I had to tell someone and I couldn't wait, the feeling started to ache. The bell rang for class.
(Tori's POV)
I clocked my watch. 3 minutes late. It was only Sykowitz I was late for, which meant the punishment for being late weren't to be over exaggerated, however he taught my favourite class and I didn't want to miss out. Hurrying to class at a quick yet normal pace I bumped into (Y/N) she looked zoned out, deep in thought and not the harmless kind of thought. Her expression read frustrated. "(Y/N)?" I questioned to get her attention. "Tori, I really need to speak to you, it's just I've been having these thoughts and I really, I just I really need the-" she spewed out. "(Y/N) just calm down, you're not making sense, I'm worried about you... what's wrong" I asked concerned. She inhaled, paused, then simply uttered, "Beck".
As I stood confused, she managed to pause and develop on what she just said. "I keep looking at Beck in ways in which a friend shouldn't, I can't stop thinking about him Tori, and it's wrong it's so so wrong. Jade's ex is not somebody who's allowed to overtake my thoughts." I stood speechless, but tried to quickly begin talking again to make (Y/N) feel less confused and guilty, as if this is something she could help. But she stopped me. "Tori as much as I appreciate it, I don't need your advice, I don't plan on pursuing Beck, I never could, I could never do that to Jade, I just had to tell someone" I embraced her offering my support. "I think it's very admirable and difficult to contain your feelings, but remember don't keep them completely contained, I'm here for you" I reassured my best friend, and we walked of to class, she faintly smiled, letting me know she appreciated my comfort.

Jades (POV)
I couldn't believe what I was hearing. I felt deceived, but not deceived, stabbed in the back and yet I could barely feel the wound. I was on my way to class when I heard (Y/N) and Vega talking, now I'm not one for eavesdropping but- oh who am I kidding? Of course I'm one for eavesdropping. However my curiosity spiked when I heard my ex boyfriend's name come out of one of my best friend's mouth. "Beck" echoed in my head and so did the description, the way he makes (Y/N) feel is almost a perfect description of how he once made me feel, you know without the guilt and regret. "I'm ready to kill her" I thought, and then I shook my head. I wasn't, I didn't want to kill her, I didn't feel angry or deceived or- I felt guilty. Why is it she felt she couldn't talk to me, we always talk. And why is it I feel as though I'm restricting her of something that is right for her. I've seen the way Beck looks at her. It scared me the first time, it's as if he isn't looking at her assets, appearance, clothes etc. When she talks she's all he can focus on, as if he's attempting to extract every bit of information he can from a simple statement, coordinating his response carefully. Beck deserves her and she deserves Beck. They're both extraordinary people an- damn I can't believe I'm being so mature. Let me quit while I'm ahead. Point is I need to do something about this, I wouldn't forgive myself if I didn't.

(Nobody's POV)
It was 5:30 pm and (Y/N ) had just finished up getting ready as she waited for Beck to pick her up to shoot the first few scenes of the new movies he wrote. As the door bell rang, she stood up, went to fix her hair, but then stopped herself shaking her head. "Breathe (Y/N)" she said to herself. Opening the door slowly. "Jade..." she said involuntarily as she tried to process why jade was outside her house. "Please, come inside" she insisted. Jade walked straight in, slumping on the couch, sighing and then sitting up right. "So what's up" (Y/N) asked, forgetting that Beck was to arrive any minute. "I don't mind" Jade said, she inhaled and looked as though she was about to expand, "you can't help the way you feel" (Y/N) jumped as though frightened, Jade smiled, almost chuckled. "How did you-" (Y/N) began. "I over heard you and Vega" Jade returned, still wearing a reassuring smile. "Listen" she went on, "I really admire you, the way you were willing to put yourself through emotional torture, just to protect our friendship and my feelings, I don't know many people willing to do that for me". (Y/N) still in shock attempting to comprehend what had just happened simply returned "And I don't know many people as selfless as you, coming over here and being so cool with this I-"
"Hey slow down, I'm only selfless with you" Jade half-joked to cool the mood.
The two girls hugged, which was another rarity for Jade, interrupted by a door bell. "Hey (Y/N) sorry I'm so late, traffic." A low, kind voice followed. Jade stood up, opened the door and turned round to (Y/N) to give a wink, for further encouragement and reassurance about what it is she next needed to do, closing the door behind her. "Jade was here?" Beck asked.
"Yeah, uhh, we had to talk some things through" (Y/N) said awkwardly.
"Some things?" Beck chuckled. (Y/N) was once again taken away by Beck's smile. "About those things, I need to talk to you" (Y/N ) explained. Beck looked concerned, partially worried, (Y/N) assured him it wasn't anything particularly bad, just something she needed to get off her chest that had been bugging her a while. "Beck, listen since I joined Hollywood Arts, you've just always taken care of me, and I don't know I guess it's just- you and the way you're- I have feelings for you Beck, I felt so guilty, but I spoke to Jade and she was so cool an-"
(Y/N) was cut off by Beck with an explosive kiss, they didn't move, just stayed in the same long kiss, and then it broke off. They both smiled, Beck opening his arms to (Y/N) to invite her for a hug, and a reassuring one at that. "Hey it's 5:40, we better go make you a star" Beck reminded (Y/N) not breaking the contact and leaving his arm wrapped round her as they left her house and he opened his car door for her. She couldn't stop smiling, as she pulled out her phone to text Jade 'thank you, ily", her smile grew as Jade replied with one of her very Jade-like comments, "I guess I kind of don't mind you, too" (Y/N) laughed before redistributing her attention to Beck, her mind still not fully comprehended what had happened. All she could do was smile. "Wanna put some music on?" (SUGGESTED MUSIC TO PLAY WHILST READING, THE KILLING MOON BY ECHO & THE BUNNYMEN) Beck asked politely
"Sure, you choose" (Y/N) answered not diverting her stare. Beck presses a button and adjusted the radio as he sped off into the open road, "You're beautiful" Beck stated whilst halted at a stop sign. "And so are you" (Y/N) replied, knowing that Beck will truly never understand just how captivating he is to her.

 "And so are you" (Y/N) replied, knowing that Beck will truly never understand just how captivating he is to her

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 05, 2019 ⏰

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Beck Oliver x Reader (Short story)Where stories live. Discover now