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26th of January, 1887.

As she swept her long, red hair out of her face, she smiled shyly. One curl from her face fell back. Her little freckles complimented her emerald green eyes. "Alex! Come on, you gotta stop staring at the mirror! It's bad for you!" Alexis, as she was really called, closed her eyes. This was going to be the day of her life. "Yes Mother, I'm coming, I just have to put on my necklace." Alexis had never liked wearing dresses, but today she was getting married to the man of her life. "Alfie doesn't like to wait!!" Alexis' mom was screaming now. Alexis sighed and stepped down the stairs in her long bridal gown. "Oh how beautiful you look!" Alexis laughed at her mothers gasp. But she wasn't so sure about getting married anymore. When she was away for her bachelorette party, she'd had a real good time at the baristas team. If she got married, she'd have to be a housewife. Alexis refused to be a housewife.

"Alfidus Greens, do you take Alexis Mariah Johanna Miller as your wife?" The pastor said. "I do!" Alfie said firmly. "Alexis Mariah Johanna Miller, do you take Alfidus Greens as your husband?" Alexis blushed heavily and whispered: "Yes, Yes I do. " everybody laughed and especially Alexis, Who was the most relieved of all. "You may now kiss the bride!" Alfie grabbed Alexis' waist and pressed his lips against hers in a kiss.

After the ceremony, Alfie pulled Alexis with him to the small cottage in the garden. "Okay, this might be weird, but we have to stay here okay? I have to make sure we're safe. This is real tough business and when we're there, you might not remember where you were from and how you get there. Just trust me. "

Suddenly everything around them pulled tight, the air got pushed out of Alexis' lungs and she didn't want to notice it but all her blood rose up to her head. Wind blew around her face.

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