Entry 3

17 2 5

Day 3294

        Today is my birthday. Happy Birthday to me!

      Thank you Eli, for the thoughtful present. Though he probly wouldnt be reading this. But Thanks.

        Oh! And I’ve decided that I am going to write the number of days how old I am instead of the dates whenever I write here. Great idea, right?

Day 3295            

        I am so sleepy today. Yesterday I had a cake specially for me! It tasted fantastic! And everyone else got a piece too, so they treated me nicely! Well, except for Willie. We had a fight. But Mrs K pulled us apart before I could rip her hair off.

        I learned an interesting fact. Apparenly, AGES ago, people used to dress up in funny cloths and talk about dead people or something on my birthday. I find that very interresting! Though I dont undestand why. Mr M said that children also used to walk from house to house to beg for food, though they didn’t really do that here. More in the Americas whatever that means. History is weird.

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