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A/N: Idk if this book is any good but my writing will get less stiff as time goes don't worry.

"We must be willing to get rid of the lives we've planned, so as to have the life that is waiting for us." - Joseph Campbell

Bang Chan

After the night before he wasn't up for much talking, he was lucky because he didn't have to work tonight. He was blessed with a quiet morning, of which he found concerning, speaking that on the weekdays he was accompanied by his parents. Must be a day in the office for them. The male took a deep breath as he forced himself from the warmth of the blanket. It took a good shove to get the grey thing off him. Ahhhh.. the bliss and pain of having a heavy comforter. He rolled over and went to get off the bed, his feet hitting the cold hardwood before he thought to find his slippers. Instead he was mentally imagining himself shriveling up like a mummy into his bed in the crossfire. If you've ever wondered what goes on in this boy's head it is just that. You're welcome.

It was his time to venture down into the depths known to him as the rest of the house. So after a short search of his pillow flats he shoved his feet in them and began walking slowly to prevent creaks in the wood that could disturb him. Finding his way down the stairs and to the kitchen, only coffee and a relaxing breakfast in mind. What breakfast you ask??? Bagels of course.

He mixed himself some instant coffee in a black mug using the plastic packaging provided and wound up having to stab the bagel from the toaster with a fork sure but he didn't find it to be difficult enough to change his mood. He could be found in a fairly decent one after all. He took his journey back the way he came, up the stairs and right back to his room. But instead of curling up on his bed he sat at his chair to the desk and folded himself in place. The breakie getting settled onto the surface in front of him before he broke his phone out for some only fitting music.

The top/only notification was from his mum, two words, "thank you". The small message brought a bright smile to the man's face but he didn't respond, instead he headed to his Apple music app and hit shuffle on his playlist labeled Soft Bitch Hours. Shocker there that the first song that played was Colors by Day6, one of which he turned the volume down for. Literally any Day6 song could be played softly to make it fit a calm vibe, aside from Shoot Me that is. Simply setting aside his phone he promptly began eating the bare bagel, admiring the quiet 'colors' that was added to the background of the song. The production was simply stunning even he could tell that. It wasn't until he heard an extra voice added to the song that he began to question where it was coming from.

He headed with his hunch first, the voice from the night before, and headed for the corresponding wall. Sure enough the harmonious voice had returned and sounding just as beautiful as ever, so naturally he knocked on the wall and spoke to him. "Hey dude, nice voice."

He could tell by the object that fell that he had startled the other, "how did- do you know I'm a dude?" The man stuttered, correcting himself to mask identity.

"Didn't before but you just proved it mate." A quiet swear was heard before the next response.

"No fair, I know nothing about you, you- you- ... wall man."

"Wall man? Is that meant to be an insult? Or are we just stating the obvious?"

"Just the obvious. I don't know you so that's the nickname for now."

"Thanks Captain Obvious, I'm Chris."

"You're welcome Lieutenant Sarcasm. I'm not giving my name."

"Okay so you're now Chicken."

"'Is that meant to be an insult?'" The voice mimicked to him, the male was now hardcore thinking about sitting down but the other continued, "because I gladly take that as my nickname. They do always say you are what you eat and lemme tell you, chicken is delicious."

"As delicious as you sound, I'll be right back, if I'm going to hold this conversation I want to do so comfortably."

"M'kay bud, hear you soon."

Chris hummed a response before going in search of the spare blanket in his closet and throwing it over before grabbing a pillow, his coffee and heading over with a weird thrill behind it. A new person, whom he didn't know but was also able to deal with some light hearted banter. That's some friend material right there if you ask me.

"Okay chick I'm back." He said as he got himself settled in, sitting on the pillow and covering up with the soft fabric.

"Chick? I thought we covered I'm a mAle." The other questioned, seeming amused at his own comment.

"I meant as in you're a baby chicken. Duh." Chris rolled his eyes at the other, "you sang last night too didn't you?"

"Yeah, sorry if I kept you up or something, my vocal coach says if I keep it up then I'll be famous one day."

"Famous one day? I think you would be famous already if you drop something."

"Oh really," the voice scoffed in disbelief, "I don't have anything to 'drop'. I don't even compose."

"I see your predicament." He hummed, laying his head against the wall as he steadied his coffee in his lap. "So are you new to the building?"

"Yeah I just moved in with my two friends."

"That makes sense why I haven't heard you before, if you're new you should go to the Stray cafe down the street, they're really good and have cute staff." He had indirectly called himself cute, so mentally he was snickering about how clever he was. That's when Chris heard his phone vibrate from across the room and decided to check it, "I'll be right back." Moving his cup to the side the man got up and jogged across the room to the desk, his brows furrowing when he read the message.

"I gotta go nab my sis from school, shejust got suspended, I'll talk later if I run into you again!" He spoke loudly before shifting his focus from the other to changing into real clothes, sweatpants, a tank top and a hoodie and that was all to his look really. Afterwards he took off down the stairs.


1096 words; January 8th, 2019


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