The Polar Express Returns (Entry)

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My hands were sweaty despite the nipping cold air surrounding me. My skin felt tingly from my nerves and not the light wind blowing through. The wind made the snowflakes dance around in the air as though they were carefree people twirling each other around.

A tall man in front of me casted a long shadow, swallowing my own shadow whole. The shadow of the train behind him ran long. I could barely see where it started and where it ended. I could see moving shadows on the inside of the train, but only in the cabin in front of us. 

"Well?" I blinked, trying to process what was going on. "Are you coming on board?" I stared at the man, then looked at the train. A cabin full of other children's faces stared right back at me. They're waiting for my answer. . .

The man and the train both arrived in the late hours of the night, stirring me from my from my restless sleep. It was Christmas Eve, the night all children wait impatiently for all year. However, I had not been one of those children. I was among the rarity of youth who did not find pure and innocent joy out of the Christmas holiday.

My foster parents never paid me a second thought when my elder foster brother was always casting a long shadow over me. I hid away from prying eyes when Christmas came around since my foster family's family did not approve of me. Santa never seemed to leave me any presents on the night of giving and receiving for all.

I stepped out my head and back into reality. I spread a small and sweet smile across my face, unable to contain my curiosity or wonder any longer. It was quite a rarity for me to go places without having disapproving eyes on me. I would not waste this opportunity to make friends of my own or see new and exciting places.

Everyone always told me to never talk to strangers but for some reason, I felt like it wasn't up to me. It felt like I was being pulled on to the train. I trusted the man in blue and I trusted that he wouldn't hurt me or do a bad thing to me. It was a very strange feeling but it wasn't bad, per say. The man's smile was warm and he was very inviting.

I cast my eyes back to the children looking at me. They all looked healthy and happy. Their eyes were inviting and they all smiled at me in anticipation for my answer to the man before me.

When I returned my full attention to the large man, he pulled put a gold pocket watch. The light shinning off of it made me flinch away and squint my eyes. He made a strange noise and closed the watch, sliding it back into his nice jacket pocket. He looked quite impatient so I looked at the side of the train, reading the large letters "THE POLAR EXPRESS". Polar Express? With my mind made up, my smile grew and I look one last glance at the cabin behind me I've called home for seven years.

I nodded my head and the man in blue gave me a small stepping stool to get on the train. These steps would be my first in what was highly probable to be an amazing adventure.

My heart throbbed in my chest as I climbed on board the Polar Express and found a seat next to a girl who reminded me of someone.

"Hi!" She greeted me warmly and gave me a hug. "I'm Emily!" I laughed gently at Emily's intense presence, returning her tight embrace.

"Hi Emily, I'm Elizabeth." I smiled as my heart swelled. Emily was one of the first people my age to be nice to me.

"Can I call you Beth?" I was about to nod when Emily jumped and became more excited. "Wait no! Eli! No Lizzy! No no! Can I call you Eliza? I always though Elizabeth and Eliza were such beautiful names!" She clasped her hands under her chin.

Her face had a strange look of wonder on it. I smiled and nodded my head. There was something about Emily that made her different from any other kid my age I've had the pleasure of meeting. I felt like I already knew her. She reminded me of someone but I couldn't place where in my life I may have met her or someone like her.

I smiled and listened along to her excited chatter as the train started to move. The ride was amazing. Filled with wonder and joy. There was magic moments filled with smiles and laughter, Emily and I glued at the hip the entire time. There was something about her that made me feel happier than I ever have on another Christmas.

After hot chocolates, laughter, smiling, and new memories to cherish for years to come. It was all almost a wonderful blur before the man in red himself was standing before us. We had long since arrived at the North Pole. We had been lined up to see who would get the first gift of Christmas.

Emily and I were hand in hand, anxiously awaiting Mr Clause's choice. We had both confirmed that we wouldn't get mad if one of us was picked over the other or if neither of us were picked at all. We agreed that we were happy just having found best friends in each other.

I was so caught up in my own head that I was only pulled out of it when Emily's hand left my own. The cool air shocked my warm hand. I missed the presence of her as she was guided away from me. Santa had chosen her. I smiled at her when she looked back at me excitedly and I waved her on. I did feel the slight bite of envy and a tang of jealousy, however I pushed it all away knowing that Emily would be happy getting the first gift of Christmas. I kept my smile on my face and honoured the promise we made with each other.

The crowd was going wild as she and Santa went up and sat in his sleigh. His gentle booming voice rang out over the now crowd silencing it on a dime.

"Emily. What would you like for Christmas?" Emily didn't take a moment to hesitate as she smiled widely. Emily leaned over and whispered in his ear. It only took a moment, but it made them both smile. When she was done, her hands were fidgeting with the hem of her nightshirt in anticipation. Santa smiled and chuckled a little.

"Yes, I remember your letter. Is that really all you wish for for Christmas Emily?" Her bright eyes shone with excitement and she nodded her head so quickly that I thought it would fall of. "Well in that case, Elizabeth?" He turned to me and my entire body froze. Why is he calling me?! My legs were heavy as cinder blocks as a few elves pulled me up to the sleigh.

"Yes Mr Clause?" I asked nervously, hesitation clear in my voice as I finally arrived at my destination. The world around me spun but I kept my feet firm on the floor of the beautiful sleigh. The large man reached out his gloved hand to me. I placed my own hand in his glove, feeling much smaller than I already did. Emily slid off Santa's knee, holding her hand in his other glove. We both looked confused as we cast our eyes to the red clad man. He closed the distance between us and put our hands together. He stood up, holding our hands together gently in one of his gloves. His loud voice made my bones vibrate as he spoke out to the crowd.

"The first gift of Christmas!" The crowd was defying the laws of sound as it erupted in yells and cheering with applause at it's core. Emily and I looked at each other. She was crying.

"Hey Eliza, do you wanna know my Christmas wish?" Emily moved closer to me so I could hear her. I nodded my head, confused out of my mind. "My Christmas wish for Santa is for me to meet my sister." I felt like my heart had stopped beating. Sister? I have a sister? I didn't know what to say.

"I had a sister but we were separated when I was a baby. My adopted mother told me I had a sister, but an orphanage took her away before she could adopt her too." I listened to Emily's voice and tuned out the crowd, when a realisation slapped me in the face like a brick wall. Emily had reminded me of me. She looked like me.

She had my eyes and hair, even though her hair was kept much nicer than mine. My own eyes filled with tears as I lunged forward and embraced her tightly. We were both sobbing messes as we held each other tightly, afraid to let go and realise this was all a wonderful dream. The loud chiming of the bell tower striking midnight interrupted our thoughts as we were both ushered off the sleigh so Santa could deliver the presents for the children of the world. Emily and I walked back to the others still crying but hand in hand.

This really was the best Christmas ever.

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