Chapter 12

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Chris and Wyatt were sitting together in the back room of the club, the pounding of the music was the only sound but Chris had gotten accustomed to it enough that when Wyatt had practically held him in place until he fell asleep, it didn't take long.

Wyatt was about to start drifting off as well when he sensed someone else in the room. Someone with malevolent intentions.

His shield expanded as a nearby spider transformed into a woman and shot webs at them. Wyatt flicked his fingers to try and blow her up but she transformed back into a spider and scuttled away.

The explosion startled Chris awake and Wyatt sighed. Chris wasn't getting enough sleep as it was.

"What happened?! Where's the demon?!"

"Wow, you're paranoid. Of course in this case you are right to be paranoid." Wyatt said, pulling the brunette closer to him.

"Why? What happened?"

"We were attacked by a demon that turned into a spider and scuttled away before I could kill it."

Chris sighed and ran a hand through his hair before slumping back against the blonde man.

"Well that's an issue."


As it turns out, she came back. The two men found themselves sitting in the manor, Wyatt with a protective arm around Chris' waist, with the sisters. Phoebe was tending to the scratches on Piper's neck while Paige flipped through the book of shadows.

"What was it that attacked you again?"

"A spider demon." Wyatt said. "She comes out every hundred years, finding the most powerful magical being who she then feeds on for the next hundred years."

"So why do you think she was after Chris? Would you not be her target? You're the twice blessed after all." Phoebe asked.

Chris shot a warning look at the blonde man, answering the question himself to prevent oversharing.

"Maybe she figured Wyatt was too powerful to get to. I'm no slouch myself you know."

Piper pursed her lips at the pair even as the middle sister placed the bandage over the wound.

"I would ask about your parentage but I know what the answer would be."

"Future consequences." Chris said automatically.

Usually Wyatt would roll his eyes good-naturedly along with his mother but this time he just grimaced slightly.

"You know I usually agree with the 'what's the harm' approach but in this case, he's right. Knowing his parents would have a lot of consequences on the future. Ones that we don't want."

Piper frowned but nodded. Wyatt didn't believe in good or evil so he didn't often put much stock in his spouse's antics. The fact that he did now had weight.

"Well we still need to find her and get rid of her. I don't feel like losing my son-in-law." She smiled softly at the brunette who returned it easily. 

He had always been close to Piper so he was glad for the positive interactions they'd been having to that point.


That evening, Wyatt was pacing in the kitchen, looking periodically at the locked door. They had trapped Piper in the basement and put the Evil Ruler on guard duty. Guarding his aunt. Not his husband. Cause of course they shouldn't use the second most powerful person in the house to guard the one being targeted.

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⏰ Last updated: May 26, 2020 ⏰

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