your mine... not his..

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I get woken by a loud knock at the door, I get up and rub my left eye, yawning cutely as a sharp tooth stuck out, I sluggishly walk down the hall and towards the door, my tail swaying slightly and my ears flopping down, my right one twitching slightly as the door knocks again, louder this time, I open the door and a see a boy in a tight black top, along with tight black/grey pants, but his bright blonde hair stood out, also what didn't suit his outfit was his brown eyes, its strange.. I wonder if blonde was his actual colour... I blink as he smiles " hiya! I'm yuzuki!" he opens his eyes after smiling and blushes deeply as he looks at small me, with my longish white top and tight black boxers, my blue ears and tail swaying and perking up, I stare at him and blink once more "w-who?" he shakes his head and smiles "i-i said.. I'm yuzuki.. yuzuki miyaharu.." I nod and go to shut the door but he stops it with his foot and grabs the edge of the door agressivly, his eyes were now a type of red as he peeks at me through the crack of the door which was getting wider. "look.. let me in.. I don't want to hurt you..." I let go and make a cute soft noise, falling onto my butt, my tail going between my legs and my ears flattening. "y-yes.. c-come in..." he smiles again, his eyes going a normal brown. "thanks!" he walks in and shuts the door. "so? anyone else go here?" I shake my head, standing up, brushing my pyjamas. "f-from the sounds of it.. no.. b-but.. their probably gone out to the shops o-or their outside..." he smirks "great! perfect! less difficult for me then!" he picks me up bridal style and i blush. "l-let go of me!" he growls slightly as his eyes turn red again, he stares right into my eyes. "what are you going to make me? I doubt it so shut up!" I don't say another word and he smiles "good boy!" i whisper ever so softly, hoping he didnt get mad with me "w-why are you doing this..?" he smiles "your cute.. ciel was it? i like that name.." i speak softly again "h-how do you know my-" "no more questions!!!!! shut up before i whip you with whatever i get my hands on!" he winks again and my ears flop down more, i was scared, terrified more like it, why is he here and why i he so... insane?.. no.. theres a better word.... psychotic?!

between my thoughts, i realise he walked toward my room, he knows where my room is too!? "l-listen, its was real nice to meet you but you best be-" he slams me against my bedroom door, almost breaking it open, but luckily it opened. i make a loud noise as my back bashed against it, the weird boy licked his lips "mm.. wont this be a treat? WOOF!!" i wince, my ears flopping down as far as they can go, he laughs. "cute! so cute!" his lips crash into mine, even though i was scared of him, his kisses were great, dammit, is this a cat thing!? i w-want sebastian! he breaks the kiss and i hear a bang, he sighs "here? dammit.. they should of took a little longer.." Sebastian's eyes were pink as he rushed down the hall "uh-hand my master.. NOW!" he drops me infrount of him, bashing my back bone and pelvis on the ground, causing me to let out a shrieking type noise, pain rushing thigh the bottom half of my body, Sebastian grits his teeth "you barstard!! I'll kill you!!" i wanted Sebastian to win! i wanted him to defeat this maniac!! yuzuki rushed toward Sebastian, and i went to cheer for his name when i said something i didnt mean to.. "RONALD!!" i gasp and look up at Sebastian, he was frozen, staring dead set at me, then BANG! a fist pummelled strait into Sebastian's face as he was sent to the ground. i gasp and get up, i walked up to yuzuki and slapped him across the face, screaming "GET OUT OF THIS MANOR NOW YUZUKI!!!" Sebastian's eyes widened, so did Yuzukis as he cupped his left cheek "... okay ciel.. I will leave for you.. because I love you okay..?" i nod slightly, only once, before pointing to the door. He stands properly and walks straight out the door politely, not looking back in a straight manner.. i close the door and walk slightly faster towards Sebastian. "Sebastian, are you okay..? y-you know I didnt mean those words right?" Sebastian looked up at me, his face looking sore. " i am fine master.. just worry about your well being." i sniff, my ears flopping down and my voice whining slightly. "but Sebastian.. I dont care about me.. all i care about is you!.. don't you understand that all I want is for you to be safe and For you to be my stupid butler!" his eyes widen more as tears hit his face, i rip off my eyepatch, now slightly closer to his face, both of my eyes staring into his. "dont you understand what its like for your heart to ache when your not around!? i dont know why but i do! it hurts when you are sad or hurt! it hurts me!! here!" i clench my buttoned up long sleeve on where my heart should be. "right here Sebastian! you wouldnt have a clue of how i feel right now.." Sebastian's eyes, i noticed that.. he actually felt emotion toward me, his eyes looked different.. more moist.. i know that look.. i get that look a lot.. hes holding back tears.. "oh but i do know ciel.." he lifted his head up, and stared into my eyes, then.. his lips crashing into mine unexpectedly, sending a tingle down my spine. i close my eyes tightly, kissing him back, clenching his top tightly, he picks me up and i break the kiss, gasping softly. "b-but, Sebastian, you're hurt!" he smiles slightly. "its nothing to be worried about, i am fine, do not worry okay?" i reluctantly nod. "f-fine.. you win.." he smiles more. "come on, you must be hungry, let's get you some fish." my eyes widen slightly "f-fish!??! what am i a ca.......- ah...." Sebastian laughs slightly and i blush. "s-shut it you stupid butler!! >_<" i pout slightly, obviously embarrassed.

Sharing these moments with him.. has made me a little happy..
I may admit. But... will this last forever..?
I got stuck in thought, i found myself at the table, resting my head on my palm, my posture not so good.. "sebastian.. this.. smells nice.."
I look down at my food as my stomach grumbles loudly, causing me to blush in embarrassment. I saw Sebastian basically staring.. my tail started to sway as i was embarrassed once more. "Sebastian!..." my ears perk up slightly as he jumped ever so softly, he must of been stuck in a stare.. "its r-rude to stare you know.." he blushed slightly, smiling happily. "i know, but i just cant help it.. i love ciel.. and cats.. the perfect combination." I blushed and looked to the side "w-well.. i would of never guessed you had that type of fetish...." he laughed again. "I assure you, i dont. But, if you want me to i would." Cold chills rushed down my spine as i didnt answer him.
I just ate my fish.
It was actually really mouth watering.. the best food ;-;
Why am i like this nyan?...

i finish my meal and i lick my lips. i was satisfied. i remembered i completely forgot about that boy and i defiantly needed answers! "s-Sebastian! that boy- who was he??" sebastians eyes widened slightly. "that.. boy.. WAS meant to be our new servant..but he obviously isn't cut for the job."  i remembered his name and what he did.. i mumbled softly under my breath. "Yuzuki huh..? weird.." i flicked my temple, as to say 'stop worrying about it Baka!' Sebastian took my plate and i sighed softly, thinking if Sebastian  was really okay... how i accidentally yelled out Ronalds name.. argh! I'm so stupid! >\\\\<
Sebastian looks at me with slight worry, he must if known i was troubled. "young master? is everything alright..?" i just nodded, giving him a gesture to go away. "yes I'm fine, now shoo, i need to think. i haven't done paperwork in a while and I'm sure you cant manage on your own." Sebastian smiles as he starts to walk away. "paperwork is done already. theres nothing to fret about." he then left the room, with me stunned. "i can barely do all of it... then again.. he is a demon.." my ears flop down "all i am right now is a cat..." i groan as i realise something. "what about my meetings.. the very important people i always have to talk to.. promotions for my company.. it will go to ruins.." i scruff my hair up in frustration and sigh loudly. "i hate that cat freak..."

Ciel X sebastian ( my lord is a neko?! )Where stories live. Discover now