Chapter 1 : Valentimes

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My name is Junie B Jones. The B stands for Beatrice. But I just like B. And that's all.
I am in kindergarten with my teacher Mrs.
Mrs has another name too. But I just like Mrs. And that's all.

Soon it will be the 14teenth of Febuarey and that means it will be Valentimes day. Valentimes day is when everyone in Room 9 will give each other cards, and your worth is determined by the amount of cards you are given. Also, if you really like someone you give them a big card. If you get a really big card back then you are now "dateing". I have never had a datèè, but my friend, Lucille, who is a little lady, told me all the details.

I am very excited. I am giving That Meanie Jim an extra tiny Valentimes card, because he is what my ex-boyfriend, Ricardo, would call a, "thought". I am giving my very bestest friends, That Grace and Little Lady Lucille, medium sized Valentimes, and I am giving my favorite person in the whole wide world, Paulie Allen Puffer, the biggest Valentimes card that I can find. This is called plan A. I am very excited.

Paulie Allen Puffer has a very speshal place in my heart ever since the anniversary of his birth and his mother brought milk and cake to room nine. That was the day I was educated in the art. The art of nose milk.

I want Paulie Allen Puffer to be the first victim of my nose milk dateing ways.
But first I have to find the perfect card.

Mother and I are going to a beautiful place called Wall Market. It is the deep blue color of the ocean and the perfect place to find the most highest class of Valentimes cards for my speshal Paulie Allen Puffer, but Mother and Daddy have married people couslening, so she's going to take me tommorow.

And boy am I haveing trouble sleeping, on account of I am excitedment.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 05, 2019 ⏰

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