There's Just Something Sexy About... *1*

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There's Just Something Sexy About... *1*

I should have known it was going to be a bad day.

The fact that, not even two seconds after I woke up, I tripped, knocked into my coat hanger, fell flat on my face, my coat hanger hitting my ceiling fan, and having my light bulb smashed to smithereens should have been a clear indication. I should have known- as I laid there with glass nicking and scratching my skin, making me bleed- that I was in for a long day.

But, because I'm not exactly a negative person, I looked past it. I didn't know that by the end of the day I would be flat on my face. Actually, I was now but you know what I mean.

After picking up the pieces of glass, I took a quick shower to get all the blood off of me, and because I hadn't the night before. Then I threw my dark auburn red hair into a quick bun, slipped on a pair of jeans and t-shirt, and headed downstairs. I said a short goodbye to my mom before she left to London and jumped into my truck.

The black Ford roared to life and I pulled out of the driveway with practiced ease. But as I had just turned around and began pulling out, I bumped into the mail box. It left a nice little scratch.

I cursed to myself but proceed onto school. I was most likely going way over the speed limit, but my friends don't call me a crazy driver for nothing. Once I parked my truck and grabbed my things, I ran to my first period. I already knew I was late.

And so, as fate would have it, I bumped into something large and hard. I was soon sitting on my butt, stunned at what had just happened. Logan stood over me, scowling at me as he did.


The football star didn't even given me another glance, though, for he continued to walk to his own class. It might have been my fault for running into him and falling to the floor, but does anyone know what common-courtesy means anymore?

I picked myself up off the ground and, more slowly, made my way to my class. And guess what? I was late and now I had a detention.

My day was going like I should have seen it.


It seemed to take forever for lunch to finally roll around. But once it did, and after I got over my relief, I couldn't help but feel a sense of doom hang above me. my day wasn't going so great, which could mean that something disastrous could happen in a cafeteria full of teenagers and food.

I felt as if I walked in cautiously, waiting for anything to happen so I could dodge it. Nothing so far...

I slammed my lunch down on the table and took the small space between Jonathan and Cami. They were all smiles and laughs, and I was happy to join two of my best friends.

"How's your day going?" Cami asked me as she mockingly shoved me with her arm.

I laughed to myself as if I knew a joke no one else did. "It's been interesting."

"How so?"

Cami and I only had science and math, but those were both my last periods. Seeing her at lunch was the earliest I ever saw her, which evidently meant that it was the first time we could catch up.

"It started out not so great and from there it's just going downhill. I got a detention."

Cami looked at me as if were the worst thing in the world. "Oh my God!"

"Eh, it's alright," I shrugged.

When we finished eating and talking, I threw my stuff away and began walking out of the cafeteria. But because my life isn't eventful enough, I ran into Greg. He also had a smoothie in his hands.

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