Real life

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Max's POV
Me and will were sitting at the table drawing I was drawing will and will was drawing me , we aren't allowed to look at each other's papers though
"Ok I'm done!." Will said
"Ok me to hold on ." I shaded a part real quick, that's when the door opened and we heard voices that belonged to the party " are you drawing my girlfriend!?!." Lucas asked will basically yelling "yeah-."will got cut off "why the hell are you drawing MY girlfriend!!!." Lucas yelled " because we're doing a drawing contest god!!." I yelled " anyways Will show me yours and I'll show you mine ." He past me his and pasted mine to him "wow your really good at drawing." I said looking at the drawing of me

" I said looking at the drawing of me

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"So are you this is amazing!." Will says

" Will says

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"Thanks." I said looking at the floor blushing , why you ask because that was the first compliment anyone has said to me in a lonnnng time , I grab my phone and take a picture of the drawings

" I said looking at the floor blushing , why you ask because that was the first compliment anyone has said to me in a lonnnng time , I grab my phone and take a picture of the drawings ———-instagram———-

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726likes 596commetsMadMax: the drawing of me was made by Will my bestie and the drawing Of Will  was made by the one and only me :)——-comments——ZombieBoy: :)

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726likes 596commets
MadMax: the drawing of me was made by Will my bestie and the drawing Of Will was made by the one and only me :)
ZombieBoy: :)

ChocolateDaddy: 🙄😑yeah well I have a new friend to her name is violet

MadMax: am I supposed to care 🙄

Mikewheeler11:tHE TEA IS HOT!!!

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